Has This Airbnb Been Posted?


A bong hit?!
You can't tell me there hasn't been a fire in this place, holy shit. Condemn this building immediately, mister Milwaukee city inspector guy
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That looks like residue coming out of the wood. Not difficult to clean up even if you're a drunk unemployed bum. I'm not sure if it's laziness or the low IQ which would prevent Pat in this case. Likelihood is both.


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
Nice nauseating use of an ultra-wide angle lens, stupid. I'm guessing they paid someone to do it, as we've yet to meet hobbyist-photographer Pat. They just paid the wrong person.
He spent $32 today on a retarded softcover non-fiction book about colonizing space and hiring a real estate photographer probably cost him at least $100. It’s a good thing he makes $85k/month on this rental.


That looks like residue coming out of the wood. Not difficult to clean up even if you're a drunk unemployed bum. I'm not sure if it's laziness or the low IQ which would prevent Pat in this case. Likelihood is both.
They badly need resurfacing. It would take a weekend, or a couple of they wanted to break up the job so as to not fuck with their early afternoon drinking seasions
They're virtually identical:

If you're childless (well...) and not beholden to vacations, etc., why are you going to Disney on an ultra-crowded day, probably near a holiday or school break?

(Yeah, I know we can also end the question with the word Disney, but seriously, great planning, stupid. And BTW, the Japanese parks are waaaaaay better.)


They're virtually identical:

I don't mean to covet, but that's a woman. No need to show off skin. Has a respect for 1 Timothy 2:9-10.

I sometimes do yard work shirtless in the front yard, but stopped when I was catcalled by a drunk, big eared woman with stanky leggings and sunglasses on top of her head. "You aint black but Id love for you to fart in ma grits! A hyk hyk!" she yelled. Modesty is for men too, folks. I learned that the hard way.

Diddlin' out,