WWAW Drake/Kendrick feud?


The gunslinger.
Okay yeah we know, heyyy hellllllhole, if that's all you want to contribute get your cheap ribs.

Drake and Kendrick Lamar are in the midst of a rap battle that's gotten extremely personal.

Kendrick puts up Euphoria, follows it up with 6:16 in LA (meh).

An hour ago, Drake drops Family Matters.

Now, within a half hour Kendrick puts out meet the grahams

Both rappers are calling the other a pedo, and vicious insults at each other's kids and families. Shit is fucking spectacular right now if you're into hip-hop.

I can honestly say I have no idea what any of this means or who these people are and what they’re arguing about, and I’ve never been happier to be getting older.

I know of them both obviously, but I couldn’t name any of their songs beyond “that one that goes something like this” because they’re (((rammed down your throat everywhere))) but I have no idea at all what their personalities are like and why they are upset at each other.

I’m excited to be in my 40s and really truly not know who the latest rappers are and what they’re manufactured drama is about. They’re all homosexual perverts.

2pac was A DANCEEEEEERRRRRRRRR YASSSS GIRLIES 👐💄💄before he pretended to be a thug nigga and it’s no different today with any of them.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
People used to get shot in rap beefs. Now they just unfollow each other on Instagram.


Oh, did you say something about unfollowing people when you have beefs with them?

Sue Lightning

“Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in the cell for the rest of their lives” is one of the more tame lines from that track but jesus christ.

Sue Lightning

Drake IS a pedo, though.

Millie Bobbie Three Names and Billie Eilish, just that we know of. Glad that he's getting called out.
Theres more focus on him hiding a second child than alleging Drake keeps human traffickers around, his home is going to be raided Diddy style, he has his team scout underage women to revolve in and out of his house, and saying everyone who associates with him is compromising their children.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Theres more focus on him hiding a second child than alleging Drake keeps human traffickers around, his home is going to be raided Diddy style, he has his team scout underage women to revolve in and out of his house, and saying everyone who associates with him is compromising their children.
Absolutely none of that would surprise me if proven true.
I don't get why anyone likes Kendrick, he might be the most obvious phoney cocksucker I've ever seen, people only pretend to like him because they think it's cool to like him, and he's always dressed like someone's aunt, I'm also pretty sure he's like 5'3" which makes anything threatening he says impossible to not laugh at

Drakes just a pop star cosplaying as a rapper

Both a faggots and probably pedophiles


and her hair smells like red froot loops

I dunno, this is like the biggest celebrity pedophile outing since Michael and the pedophile enthusiasts of onaforums are like "who cares, everyone's a pedophile anyway".