🎥The Patrick Tomlinson Iceberg



Really enjoyed it, brotherman. There's so much more that could be covered if you do a part 2: prezzies, the Brotosaurus, Honeymoon at Auschwitz, them boys flying in the mud over his house, the Japanese Kamikaze pilot crying against his tender bosom at the Pearl Harbor Memorial...


I feel honored to have my Penny Eater song in there. My only correction would be you said he doesn't seem to have any online presence besides showing up with Pat here or there, but I recall @captain_kamala discovering that he goes around doing a bunch of serious Yelp reviews of fast food restaurants. Kinda funny.
of fucking course he reviews restaurants, the fat fuck.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
Really enjoyed it, brotherman. There's so much more that could be covered if you do a part 2: prezzies, the Brotosaurus, Honeymoon at Auschwitz, them boys flying in the mud over his house, the Japanese Kamikaze pilot crying against his tender bosom at the Pearl Harbor Memorial...
To add to this, maybe mention the Pat/Niki doppelgänger porn couple and the handjob video for shits and giggles. Also, Pat denying he used to drink Coors (or was it Miller?) Light despite the photographic evidence on Twitter.

@Daddy Warbucks

Could I also suggest covering Goodreads and the discovery of Automanic?

Great video as always.


To add to this, maybe mention the Pat/Niki doppelgänger porn couple and the handjob video for shits and giggles. Also, Pat denying he used to drink Coors (or was it Miller?) Light despite the photographic evidence on Twitter.

@Daddy Warbucks

Could I also suggest covering Goodreads and the discovery of Automanic?

Great video as always.
It was Miller Lite. Pretty sure there's some fruity picture of him fulfilling his oral fixation to accompany this dumb caption.
Definitely more proof of him drinking it somewhere. I'm sure @Slackjawed Cow has the receipts.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
It was Miller Lite. Pretty sure there's some fruity picture of him fulfilling his oral fixation to accompany this dumb caption.View attachment 201456Definitely more proof of him drinking it somewhere. I'm sure @Slackjawed Cow has the receipts.
Oh wow, you drank a beer out of an abnormal apparatus. What a badass party animal. Even bert kreischer would be embarrassed by this faggot, probably got better grades in college too.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
It was Miller Lite. Pretty sure there's some fruity picture of him fulfilling his oral fixation to accompany this dumb caption.View attachment 201456Definitely more proof of him drinking it somewhere. I'm sure @Slackjawed Cow has the receipts.

There is a video clip of him drinking the flamingo on his instagram. the resolution is dogshit but its there.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
View attachment 201471

There is a video clip of him drinking the flamingo on his instagram. the resolution is dogshit but its there.
That's it. I remember there was a Redditor text thread where Pat couldn't admit that he doesn't drink Miller Lite anymore. He would deny ever having drank a Miller Lite despite the evidence of tweets and pics the redditor was texting. It's another example of Pat's pettiness about being right all the time.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
That's it. I remember there was a Redditor text thread where Pat couldn't admit that he doesn't drink Miller Lite anymore. He would deny ever having drank a Miller Lite despite the evidence of tweets and pics the redditor was texting. It's another example of Pat's pettiness about being right all the time.
He is drinking one in this classic photo



[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/101454088684288399924/reviews/@42.3596284,-89.0340632,8z?entry=ttu[/URL]
Even though it's embarrassing to review Wendy's and Chipotle, to his credit at least he gives most places 4 to 5 stars instead of whining about everything. Even gives 5 stars to churches. He seems like a jolly fat guy having a good time, unlike perpetually miserable Rick.