🎥The Patrick Tomlinson Iceberg


Keyboard Warrior


This is missing youwillneverfindme1488

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.


Porsalin is a cunt who had to use his own cunty twink voice to show how much of a clever big boy he was for deep dicking a thesaurus and writing overly written pithy dogshit. Maybe he should have deep-dicked a "File Back-up For Dummies" book instead.

Daddy Warbucks is a big-dicked chad who doesn't feel the need to make it about himself, instead using an AI voiced ubermensch to narrate a few facts and some effortless, economically constructed fat jokes. The result? A finished video and shattered ribs.

Anyway, how long until Daddy Warbucks fucks up and we hate him?
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