Stalkers are trying to take our fire pit


the $83,736.99 fugitive
Yes to "gather evidence". He doesn't get how things work. He thinks if he convinces the police the chairs were stolen and a funster pretends to be the thief they've committed a crime. He isn't very bright. One truism we have is, when giving a choice, Pat will always make the wrong one.
its really not that fucking hard i figured it out in the 5 days cloud(faggot)flare gave me to find a lawyer. Determine what the potential torts or crimes associated with whatever thing you want to sure for. Then just google that + "jury instructions" for the venue the court would be in. Obviously there's a lot more to it than that , but as a start you can see if there is anything even close to a cause of action.

Lets see , trespassing... hmm....

Before you may find the defendant guilty of this offense, the State must prove by
evidence which satisfies you beyond a reasonable doubt that the following four elements
were present.
Elements of the Crime That the State Must Prove

1. The defendant intentionally (entered) (remained in) the dwelling of another.

"Dwelling" means a structure that is used or intended to be used as a home or
residence by one or more persons to the exclusion of all others [whether or not
currently occupied by a resident].3

2. The defendant (entered) (remained in) the dwelling without the consent4 of

someone lawfully upon the premises.

3. The defendant (entered) (remained in) the dwelling under circumstances tending

to create or provoke a breach of the peace.
It is not necessary that an actual breach of the peace occurred as a result of
defendant's conduct.

The term "breach of the peace" includes all violations of peace and order.5
[It may consist of an act of violence or an act likely to produce violence. It
may consist of profane and abusive language by one toward another.]
[It may consist of acts that put (name of victim) in fear of bodily harm or
otherwise disturb or disrupt the peace and sanctity of the home.]6

4. The defendant knew that (the entry into) (remaining in) the dwelling was without

consent and under circumstances tending to create or provoke a breach of the
peace and knew that it was the dwelling of another.7

So it doesn't come close to that. What about theft?

Before you may find the defendant guilty of this offense, the State must prove by evidence which satisfies you beyond a reasonable doubt that the following four elements were present.
Elements of the Crime That the State Must Prove

1. The defendant intentionally took and carried away movable property of another. The term “intentionally” means that the defendant must have had the mental
purpose to take and carry away property “Movable property” means property whose physical location can be changed.

2. The owner of the property did not consent to taking and carrying away the property.

3. The defendant knew that the owner did not consent.

4. The defendant intended to deprive the owner permanently of the possession of the

So even if they knew it was a fake craiglist ad, if they were going to return it as a "just a kiwifarms prank bro" it wouldn't even count as theft due to the 4th requirement.

none of this is a surprise after 5 year, but he takes some capeshit folk notion of something and thinks it applies in real life. Usually if there's 3 or 4 things that must all be satisfied he thinks just one is enough. Fatso flunked out of logic 101 in wisconsin remedial college so of course he can't understand baby's first boolean operators.
its really not that fucking hard i figured it out in the 5 days cloud(faggot)flare gave me to find a lawyer. Determine what the potential torts or crimes associated with whatever thing you want to sure for. Then just google that + "jury instructions" for the venue the court would be in. Obviously there's a lot more to it than that , but as a start you can see if there is anything even close to a cause of action.

Lets see , trespassing... hmm....

So it doesn't come close to that. What about theft?

So even if they knew it was a fake craiglist ad, if they were going to return it as a "just a kiwifarms prank bro" it wouldn't even count as theft due to the 4th requirement.

none of this is a surprise after 5 year, but he takes some capeshit folk notion of something and thinks it applies in real life. Usually if there's 3 or 4 things that must all be satisfied he thinks just one is enough. Fatso flunked out of logic 101 in wisconsin remedial college so of course he can't understand baby's first boolean operators.

Not to mention his chairs are fucking worthless so law enforcement wouldn't waste their/taxpayer time investigating this stupid, drunk frat boy prank bullshit.

If he stopped posting all of his life online no one would have anything to fuck with online, or in person. Stop replying, stop engaging, stop feeding the trolls, and lock down your social media. He has never once tried this, so he obviously enjoys the attention.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Not to mention his chairs are fucking worthless so law enforcement wouldn't waste their/taxpayer time investigating this stupid, drunk frat boy prank bullshit.

If he stopped posting all of his life online no one would have anything to fuck with online, or in person. Stop replying, stop engaging, stop feeding the trolls, and lock down your social media. He has never once tried this, so he obviously enjoys the attention.
Wrong as always, stlaker. The chairs had enormous emotional value to me. Therefore, this was intentional infliction of emotional distress, incitement to terrorism, and conspiracy. And you are guilty of each and every count. And many, many more. Enjoy prison.


the $83,736.99 fugitive
Not to mention his chairs are fucking worthless so law enforcement wouldn't waste their/taxpayer time investigating this stupid, drunk frat boy prank bullshit.

If he stopped posting all of his life online no one would have anything to fuck with online, or in person. Stop replying, stop engaging, stop feeding the trolls, and lock down your social media. He has never once tried this, so he obviously enjoys the attention.
Well i mean yeah that's a given. The cops won't look into actual crimes though. I mean hypothetically even in some fantasy land where the cops invested every single thing even then there's nothing to pursue. I checked a few more:

Nothing there, as that seems to apply to things that can't be moved.


This is potentially the one here. I'd have to look more into what concealing means. I doubt it means that you have to dox yourself to a lunatic and spend your own money to bring him back his dumb shit.
When the property was (received) (concealed), the defendant knew that it was
stolen property

Possession of Recently Stolen Property:
It is evident that mere possession of stolen goods by a party accused ought not to be in every case, if
in any, sufficient evidence to justify a conviction. Take the case of a reputable citizen, whose
character is such that no suspicion of crime has attached to him, charged with stealing a horse, and
the only proof is that the horse was found, the next morning after he was stolen, in his stable, the
stable being one which could be entered without the aid of the accused. Clearly in such a case the
presumption of innocence would outweigh the inference of guilt arising out of the fact of possession.
thats from 1880. 19th century niggas be predicting this stupid pigs squealing.
Well i mean yeah that's a given. The cops won't look into actual crimes though. I mean hypothetically even in some fantasy land where the cops invested every single thing even then there's nothing to pursue. I checked a few more:

Nothing there, as that seems to apply to things that can't be moved.


This is potentially the one here. I'd have to look more into what concealing means. I doubt it means that you have to dox yourself to a lunatic and spend your own money to bring him back his dumb shit.

Possession of Recently Stolen Property:

thats from 1880. 19th century niggas be predicting this stupid pigs squealing.
You may think I'm low IQ dago boomer and I probably am, but I posses a reasonable logic based understanding of things and I can 100% peg Pat as the guy that thinks the courts offer feel good solutions. The courts are so bad at feel good endings the entire idea of the Chancery courts are because the law didn't and still doesn't offer remedy or at least a fair remedy in many cases. Can you imagine Pat seeking a writ of replevin for his irreplaceable hand made chairs from some bull dyke or if some lisping Canadian had put up an ad seeking to purchase hand made chairs and succeeded in landing Pat's. Damn that would have been funny.


Steering the ship since I was 18
This feels like the swattings which is why I'd say he's doing it to himself. Next will be his grill, then his garden hose, then this backwards fence, then someone will mow his lawn and bill him, then whatever thing he looks at in his backyard (meaning he's doing it). No swattings because the guy got arrested so now he has a new toy. But it could be someone else, no idea.
You're right. Pat has zero creativity and he never thought up a bit he didn't want to run into the ground (same goes for kiwifarmers, if one of them is reponsible). We're about to be stuck with a season-long arc of repetitive craigslist "thefts" followed by self-satisfied, victimhood-laden oinking on every social media platform to which his greasy trotters can navigate. The culprit is limited to only using pics that Pat previously posted to twitter, so there's not even any suspense in store.


Fat bitch with faggot tits
You may think I'm low IQ dago boomer and I probably am, but I posses a reasonable logic based understanding of things and I can 100% peg Pat as the guy that thinks the courts offer feel good solutions.
He's definitely a person who is led entirely by emotions. It's so weird how he stumbles around on the line between calculated intellectual and hysterical woman. Its like he thinks that his ridiculous emotional responses are the result of his innate intelligence so anybody who doesn't agree must be an idiot. Judges are intelligent people too. Of course they are going to agree with Patrick's big fat gut feelings about the justice system because he is clearly a highly intelligent and successful member of society too.

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
its really not that fucking hard i figured it out in the 5 days cloud(faggot)flare gave me to find a lawyer. Determine what the potential torts or crimes associated with whatever thing you want to sure for. Then just google that + "jury instructions" for the venue the court would be in. Obviously there's a lot more to it than that , but as a start you can see if there is anything even close to a cause of action.

Lets see , trespassing... hmm....

So it doesn't come close to that. What about theft?

So even if they knew it was a fake craiglist ad, if they were going to return it as a "just a kiwifarms prank bro" it wouldn't even count as theft due to the 4th requirement.

none of this is a surprise after 5 year, but he takes some capeshit folk notion of something and thinks it applies in real life. Usually if there's 3 or 4 things that must all be satisfied he thinks just one is enough. Fatso flunked out of logic 101 in wisconsin remedial college so of course he can't understand baby's first boolean operators.
Quasi101 says it's ok to steal Pat's bricks as a prank. You heard it here first kiwifags.


The gunslinger.
Patrick, STOP ADVERTISING EVERY TIME something happens, it’s why it keeps happening. How does he not understand this?

“I’ll give them am immediate dopamine rush by crying about what they just did on social media every time, that will show them”


Self Styled Brothaman
I'm with you on that. This feels like the swattings which is why I'd say he's doing it to himself. Next will be his grill, then his garden hose, then this backwards fence, then someone will mow his lawn and bill him, then whatever thing he looks at in his backyard (meaning he's doing it). No swattings because the guy got arrested so now he has a new toy. But it could be someone else, no idea. As long as he sues CL I don't care.
His theory, the narrative he's trying to portray is... These people want me dead so badly they are making dozens of false calls to the police and SWATing me and when that didn't work they took the next logical step and ramped things up to having people steal my firepit bricks.

You have to be fucking stupid to think he's not doing some or all of this to himself at this point. His method of self swatting without getting caught dried up and he's now sitting around cooking up stuff to replace it. Or a couple of Kiwitards did these things and he ran with them.

Harry Powell

I don't appreciate his self-diagnosis of me being psychotic, it really hurt my feelings. :(

All I know is that it’s always a good idea to broadcast to all your followers that someone has accused you of sexual assault.