Stalkers are trying to take our fire pit


Yes to "gather evidence". He doesn't get how things work. He thinks if he convinces the police the chairs were stolen and a funster pretends to be the thief they've committed a crime. He isn't very bright. One truism we have is, when giving a choice, Pat will always make the wrong one.
You’re 100% right. He doesn’t get that it’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove. And right now, he can’t prove it was anyone from here, just like nobody here can prove it was him.

Regardless of who did it first, the fact that he gave it so much attention means he now runs the risk of copycats. Eventually it could escalate to someone actually stealing from him. If he thinks the cops are going to help him at that point, he’s very mistaken.

This whole situation is very dumb


Don't thank the felon, Keith
Whoever did this could have been from Porsalin's patreon and watched the CWC videos to learn Patlore and then mimic the craigslist bit because Porsalin fucked up and lost months of monotonous autistic labor that should have been backed up on Creative Cloud because he's using a cracked version from 2021

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
that is a good point, it makes any denial (of things we didnt f'kin do!) seem less credible.
When the people denying are going by handles like "pateatsblackbabies" and shit like that, then that battle is already lost. I'm not saying I approve of this Craigslist shit (funny though it might be), but the people who believe Pat need only take a cursory glance in our direction to think we're the maniacs. Pat has always had that on his side, from day one.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
When the people denying are going by handles like "pateatsblackbabies" and shit like that, then that battle is already lost. I'm not saying I approve of this Craigslist shit (funny though it might be), but the people who believe Pat need only take a cursory glance in our direction to think we're the maniacs. Pat has always had that on his side, from day one.
I'm with you on that. This feels like the swattings which is why I'd say he's doing it to himself. Next will be his grill, then his garden hose, then this backwards fence, then someone will mow his lawn and bill him, then whatever thing he looks at in his backyard (meaning he's doing it). No swattings because the guy got arrested so now he has a new toy. But it could be someone else, no idea. As long as he sues CL I don't care.


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
Take a brick, leave a brick.

Nice profile pic lmao
For those about to Boq, we salute you.

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
I'm with you on that. This feels like the swattings which is why I'd say he's doing it to himself. Next will be his grill, then his garden hose, then this backwards fence, then someone will mow his lawn and bill him, then whatever thing he looks at in his backyard (meaning he's doing it). No swattings because the guy got arrested so now he has a new toy. But it could be someone else, no idea. As long as he sues CL I don't care.

I assumed they were real at first until they magically reappeared after they were already seen, and the fact that Rick found a Craigslist post out of the blue twice now has me feeling pretty fucking confident it's him.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Can one of the kiwifarmers post a pic of this or his toilet and ask people to just walk in the house and take it

View attachment 200753

just to see Patrick take it seriously like a retard "THEY'RE TRYING TO MAKE PEOPLE TRESPASS!"
All so people realize, like yeah Pat and steal your toilet?
Since we're making jokes on this joke forum. Can someone post that he wants his aluminum wiring and lead pipes torn out and they can keep the 18 cents they get for it? They're not downsizing they're remediation to get up to code for the swinger hotel he's filming in his house.