Redbar clip recommendations?

It's so much better without annoying vocal fry Jules. Is she super hot or something? I don't get how he'd think she has enough talent to talk so much.

I think she’s cute, at the very least inoffensive looking. Not like a bombshell 10 but ya gotta consider, this man is a 40 year old kike who looks 60, is dying and likely has one of the worst personalities of all time. This broad is a decade younger than him and seems to be devoted to trad wife levels to him, I bet she has to do gross medical type shit like changing his diapers. This is better than best case scenario for him.

If I were in his shoes I’d let her run her dumb mouth on my show to keep her around
I don’t know if anyone mentioned this one yet; but a great clip was the time Bill Schultz was selling some crazy expensive Sam Adams limited edition beer on Craigslist. Mike answered the ad and sent him on a wild goose chase around NYC and they watched him via live webcams. Unfortunately someone tipped Bill off when he arrived at the meeting place and the bit was killed. But still hysterical.
I don’t know if anyone mentioned this one yet; but a great clip was the time Bill Schultz was selling some crazy expensive Sam Adams limited edition beer on Craigslist. Mike answered the ad and sent him on a wild goose chase around NYC and they watched him via live webcams. Unfortunately someone tipped Bill off when he arrived at the meeting place and the bit was killed. But still hysterical.
ive seen that, cant find the clip on youtube now though