The irony is that we all know which Sopranos character Anthony really is.
Chrissy catching a glimpse of Nana and Missy in a couple years….

Did anyone mention the heated floors throughout the Long Island wop McMansion because he couldn't allow his tootsies to get cold? Don't forget he also bought that extremely expensive crypto mining rig and bragged about the astronomical rise in his electric bills from running it.

I still wonder how much the settlement money was to Dani Brand after he broke her bones and put her in the hospital. That couldn't have been chump change.

He also owned an apartment in the city. Or was that a lease? He had it for several years. He bitched on his show about how he couldn't kick Dani out of there and had to wait for her to move. He had to have dumped a fuckload of money into keeping that apartment for so long.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
That infuriates me enough to just carcrash your post. Literally every fucking Italian is like this. Gaudy fucking bullshit. And I have no doubt he was convinced it was an investment. We all know how much rugs keep their value. Fucking guido.
Reminder that Dovid is not to be trusted as he is a known liar and pedo enabler. He’s a very bad and little man. As a reminder he tried watching his grandma piss because he was “curious about girls.” I’ll bump the thread in case anyone forgot.
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Did anyone mention the heated floors throughout the Long Island wop McMansion because he couldn't allow his tootsies to get cold? Don't forget he also bought that extremely expensive crypto mining rig and bragged about the astronomical rise in his electric bills from running it.
Did he discuss that in detail? Was it during his CM days? He did have a habit of claiming to own stocks that made the news after they shot up. He also stayed quiet after mentioning a stock that tanked. Never remember him talking about crypto mining, which could have been a good run if he started early.

Sue Lightning

Is he suggesting we use money and spend it on the people? Sounds like welfare. Anthony got woke.
Pretend I didn’t just steal your line.

Faggots like this end up revealing themselves. It starts with I don’t like where my taxes go and it ends with I don’t think they should collect taxes at all.

Well they have your money Nana so you have to decide what to do with it. They’re sure as fuck not gonna give it back or stop collecting. Pick your battles.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Is this supposed to be a jew joke? You know I have tattoos and eat bacon like everyday right?
Because you people have a gene deep need to subvert, pervert, and wreck. How many times have you used the jew card in an argument? If you say never, then you're a fucking liar.