Pat had an action packed Saturday


I say FUCK you, Jobu.
My brother is one of those retards who talks with an accent when he visits a foreign country. When I went to England with him, everything was "lovely". I wanted to strangle him.
One of my best friends lived in the UK for a year or two right after highschool and he didn't exactly speak with the accent, but he adopted the cadence of a British guy and used a lot of British slang. I always thought he'd end up back there because he loved it and had the time of his life there, but now he's married to an obvious rugby lesbian who hates everyone including him and he's a bigger lush than I am. Last time I saw him we went to a Jays game and before anyone even realized he'd had a beer, he had a pile of 9 cans at his feet. Like very early in the game. Then he drove home. He hates his life.
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His toes are like a quarter of the length of his foot. It's bizarre.

Edit: @johnnynoname, Yes, someone knows about a comic book thing, ON THIS SITE