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Mary and Joseph were immigrants and Jesus was their anchor baby. Jesus was also not a pale white strawberry blonde man. This is what people look like who were born in modern day Bethleham. Can any conservative Christian here explain why Jesus Christ is the only white guy to come from an area of arabs? People born in the middle east don't pop out as white babies.

Peasants of the neighborhood of Bethlehem, Holy Land, (i.e., West Bank)] |  Library of Congress
Mary and Joseph were immigrants and Jesus was their anchor baby. Jesus was also not a pale white strawberry blonde man. This is what people look like who were born in modern day Bethleham. Can any conservative Christian here explain why Jesus Christ is the only white guy to come from an area of arabs? People born in the middle east don't pop out as white babies.

Peasants of the neighborhood of Bethlehem, Holy Land, (i.e., West Bank)] |  Library of Congress


Don't thank the felon, Keith
Mary and Joseph were immigrants and Jesus was their anchor baby. Jesus was also not a pale white strawberry blonde man. This is what people look like who were born in modern day Bethleham. Can any conservative Christian here explain why Jesus Christ is the only white guy to come from an area of arabs? People born in the middle east don't pop out as white babies.

Peasants of the neighborhood of Bethlehem, Holy Land, (i.e., West Bank)] |  Library of Congress

Because he was the son of God, jew

Sue Lightning

Can your sugar daddy arrange for a couple to have anal sex in the church during mass, stupid?
When the boys did the newsweek article around Greggshells to have them all do a “tell all” part of Anthonys section he was venting about Opie. He complained about the fake radio war stuff and how he didn’t hate any of those jocks - except one. Mancow. Because Anthony saw him as a phony and a hypocrite with no morals.

Well thats exactly what Anthony has become. Mancow. A fake conservative douchebag who acts like the only reason he’s labelled a shockjock is because in the final years of his broadcasting career he decided to scream nigger and complain about Obama.


DID THEY? And of course just like Mancow theres 0 belief or practice in the morals he spews and he’d never give back the money or fame he made from shit he now regrets (because it doesn’t fit with his “conservative” image)

How many hours did Anthony spend licking the Gov. boot about 9/11, the security state, W bush etc. “They hate us for our freedoms”

Sue Lightning

Man has a point. Jesus never existed and a bunch of dopes fell for a silly Jewish story.
You’re a fool. Rejecting the divinity of Christ is one thing but to say he flat out never existed is foolish. There are countless sources of his story from multiple time periods and people. It is basically indisputable that Jesus as a guy did exist.