Leslie Varney contacts PenguiCon; Pat suing?




Speaking from experience, child.


Stand Alone Fruit
Quick reminder this entire Leslie situation escalated because she called a funster a cheeky bastard. I'm genuinely so glad I waste a copious amount of my life watching Pat's life implode.
I really hope she sends them the nasty emails she got from Shane who I think is where the death threat came from. He claimed he was going to have microsoft ruin her life or some nonsense.


and her hair smells like red froot loops
I really hope she sends them the nasty emails she got from Shane who I think is where the death threat came from. He claimed he was going to have microsoft ruin her life or some nonsense.

IIRC when she mentioned the Shane death threat his response was like "Good, you deserve to feel the fear that me and my family constantly live in".

No I'm sorry that one of my followers is doing this, or encouraging him to stop. Just "haha now you shall suffer like me!"


Stand Alone Fruit
Brothermen, the doodles have been oopsied. Nobody put Leslie in the corner.

She raises some great points. Once he's been banned from one 'Con for his toxic behaviors and accomplices, what respectable organization in their right mind would take on such a liability? [The answer of course would be unsafe ones.]
It really didn’t help his Con appearances to go on a media tour and cry his life is in constant danger. Anyone attending would be concerned, especially since he was claiming he would “neutralize” Boomia. Plus the fake bomb threats for attention also wasn’t a good idea.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
If Big Dick Leslie gets Rick summarily banned from the con circuit, I wonder how we'll supplement that vertical in our 2024 content budget.
I don't know how the blood in my body would supplement the vertical in my pants
I emailed GenCon from a throwaway account.
Leslie emails Penguicon and publishes it on Twitter.

Frankly I'm depressed and ashamed.
We can't all have balls you can carry in a wheelbarrow