Joe brouette is an embarrassing douche


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
The literally mentally ill female of the forum shows up again to stir things up by putting innocent parties as the target for her entertainment and look at all the simps with their dicks out to please her.

Come correct with an amazon gift card over $25 and a condom (for your protection, not hers) and she'll probably let you in too.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
I will say as far as the non-interaction principle goes, I do recall it being broken when their "if you were at the wedding, post any pictures you took there" public google drive went up... may have been in poor taste but some people were a bit emotional that day. Happens with weddings.
People have contacted Adrienne she ignores and blocks anyone who mentions Pat. She might be a rube but she is smart enough not to respond to random idiots talking about the man she dumped for a happier life.
I think its really says something that while Pat is still desperate to be famous for anything and pretending to be cosmopolitan while scrubbing strangers shit stains out of his toilet, Adrienne is just happy being a dumb rube raising ducks and her litter of children. Pat just wasn’t good enough for a woman who doesn’t have particularly high standards in life.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
This man deserves to be mocked
Gentile Danny Ross with more money and pussy.