I'm terrified right now, Hideman is planning to do harm to my family.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
I'm not even picturing the conference, just in the evening when the con wraps up but like 10-15 people decide to go get dinner together at some restaurant. Boy, that's gotta be a "everybody waiting for their turn to speak" meal. Bunch of bearded guys in sweaters loudly clearing their throat "A-A-HEM" so they can pontificate for 5 minutes about the dangers of religion. Then when someone else speaks, they tightly cross their arms, passive aggressive that someone else is the center of conversation.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
I'm not even picturing the conference, just in the evening when the con wraps up but like 10-15 people decide to go get dinner together at some restaurant. Boy, that's gotta be a "everybody waiting for their turn to speak" meal. Bunch of bearded guys in sweaters loudly clearing their throat "A-A-HEM" so they can pontificate for 5 minutes about the dangers of religion. Then when someone else speaks, they tightly cross their arms, passive aggressive that someone else is the center of conversation.
This is exactly what it is. Pseudo intellectuals attempting to one up each other on their pious impiety. I feel like you’ve also had the misfortune of having attended an event with all this type of person.

I would rather go to an evangelical church retreat than spend one minute with people whose identity is “atheist”. At least I’d be speaking with people who have a different perspective and Maybe learn something. Also good chance of meeting some hot blonde or hot Taiwanese broad.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
Atheism is hilarious. Most of them are naturalists who can't actually argue for atheism from inside of their philosophy. From the standpoint of evolutionary soyence religious people are the norm and atheists are just mutants who reproduce less and are less happy overall. Religion is much more viable and we know that because 99.99999% of people who have ever lived have been religious. If being an atheist was actually advantageous it would be the rule instead of the exception.

It's pitiable.

Mustard's affectation

do you see face in there!?
Atheism is hilarious. Most of them are naturalists who can't actually argue for atheism from inside of their philosophy. From the standpoint of evolutionary soyence religious people are the norm and atheists are just mutants who reproduce less and are less happy overall. Religion is much more viable and we know that because 99.99999% of people who have ever lived have been religious. If being an atheist was actually advantageous it would be the rule instead of the exception.

It's pitiable.
why are you allowed to be this gay and embarrassing and no one gives you shit for it?
I'm not even picturing the conference, just in the evening when the con wraps up but like 10-15 people decide to go get dinner together at some restaurant. Boy, that's gotta be a "everybody waiting for their turn to speak" meal. Bunch of bearded guys in sweaters loudly clearing their throat "A-A-HEM" so they can pontificate for 5 minutes about the dangers of religion. Then when someone else speaks, they tightly cross their arms, passive aggressive that someone else is the center of conversation.

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
Are under-18s allowed at this FAGGOTcon? If so, Hildy should be barred from the premises before it even begins, for the safety of the children. If the con organizers refuse to take action, Booms has the full right to physically neutralize Hildeman at the entrance and make sure he can never easily access young children ever again (unless he grooms them from his wheelchair).

Josef Kuminski

кормить бабушку
Atheism is hilarious. Most of them are naturalists who can't actually argue for atheism from inside of their philosophy. From the standpoint of evolutionary soyence religious people are the norm and atheists are just mutants who reproduce less and are less happy overall. Religion is much more viable and we know that because 99.99999% of people who have ever lived have been religious. If being an atheist was actually advantageous it would be the rule instead of the exception.

It's pitiable.
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but these people are the exact people who were the Sodomites in the OT. They’re wicked hedonist with no moral compass at all. They have no self control and are mostly low IQ failures who want to sound smart and they’re the least knowledgeable people in the room. They have no idea that foundation of genetics were discovered by a monk, and that the guy who invented the telescope and discovered moons of planets was a devout Catholic. There are plenty of devout religious people who are scientists and believe that the order, laws and symmetry of the universe is in-fact proof that god exists. Even the Atheist pope Richard Dawkins used to believe that religion was an evolutionary adaptation, before he became the Britfag we all loathe today.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
That's not only a genetic blackhole, but the server is getting 10 bucks total as a tip while answering questions about the burger patty (which is only 70% meat) was raised and "harvested" ethically.
I feel bad for the server. Not only is the tip going to suck but I bet every one of them have a bunch dietary restrictions that they cant eat most of the shit they serve.


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
What really is there to talk about at these conventions?

" God doesnt exist"

" I agree, wanna go grab a bite to eat?"

If you wanted to take it seriously then there is probably a lot you could talk about. Science, theology, Philosophy, Cultures, genetic memory, DNA all sorts of shit like that.
What likely happens.
  • various dunking/hot takes on christians (nothing new since 90's)
  • one-upping the last person to speak on how stupid you think religion is
  • lots of R/thatreallyhappened stories about stupid christians they met
  • some bullshit tangent into scifi
  • avoiding the JQ
  • avoiding the MuslimQ
  • Confirming amongst themselves that because they know "the truth", they are all the smartest in the room.
  • a load of social chitchat because they have a captive audience of "friends"

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
If you wanted to take it seriously then there is probably a lot you could talk about. Science, theology, Philosophy, Cultures, genetic memory, DNA all sorts of shit like that.
What likely happens.
  • various dunking/hot takes on christians (nothing new since 90's)
  • one-upping the last person to speak on how stupid you think religion is
  • lots of R/thatreallyhappened stories about stupid christians they met
  • some bullshit tangent into scifi
  • avoiding the JQ
  • avoiding the MuslimQ
  • Confirming amongst themselves that because they know "the truth", they are all the smartest in the room.
  • a load of social chitchat because they have a captive audience of "friends"
Nothing like spending all weekend talking about something you dont care about or believe in. Totally removing the best part of athiesm, that they dont have to be preoccupied with religion.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
View attachment 200611

At first I thought this must be the token tranny.

But no, I remember her. On closer inspection that is Yvette d'Entremont.

She had a very bizarre Joe Rogan appearance. Shilling for Monsanto, glyphosate, GMOs, aspartame, seed oils, 'debunking' organic food etc. The sloppiest of goyslops.

She said she drinks diet coke every day but for some weird reason she has headaches all the time.

This diet and lifestyle has led her to age 35 years since 2017 and look like a dying tranny.

From the biggest podcast to kid diddler atheist conventions with Hildy. Nice fall from grace, stupid.
She looks like the tranny night stlaker. Could be worse though

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Stand Alone Fruit
What really is there to talk about at these conventions?

" God doesnt exist"

" I agree, wanna go grab a bite to eat?"
They get together so they can all be smug assholes and babble to each other how stupid Christian’s are and they’re just so smart. It’s a convention of very insecure people.