I'm terrified right now, Hideman is planning to do harm to my family.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
It’s just a social club for awkward losers who can’t make friends. It’s all about barbecues and dinners and get togethers—which is fine. But why do you have to turn it in to some pretentious club like you’re all astrophysicists and mathematicians?

I support most any type of blasphemy as long as it’s attempting to be funny. If they were throwing pork rinds at Muslims or dumping pig guts in a mosque? Funny. Paying couples to have anal sex in a Catholic Church? Funny.

This is just gay.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.


At first I thought this must be the token tranny.

But no, I remember her. On closer inspection that is Yvette d'Entremont.

She had a very bizarre Joe Rogan appearance. Shilling for Monsanto, glyphosate, GMOs, aspartame, seed oils, 'debunking' organic food etc. The sloppiest of goyslops.

She said she drinks diet coke every day but for some weird reason she has headaches all the time.

This diet and lifestyle has led her to age 35 years since 2017 and look like a dying tranny.

From the biggest podcast to kid diddler atheist conventions with Hildy. Nice fall from grace, stupid.


View attachment 200611

At first I thought this must be the token tranny.

But no, I remember her. On closer inspection that is Yvette d'Entremont.

She had a very bizarre Joe Rogan appearance. Shilling for Monsanto, glyphosate, GMOs, aspartame, seed oils, 'debunking' organic food etc. The sloppiest of goyslops.

She said she drinks diet coke every day but for some weird reason she has headaches all the time.

This diet and lifestyle has led her to age 35 years since 2017 and look like a dying tranny.

From the biggest podcast to kid diddler atheist conventions with Hildy. Nice fall from grace, stupid.
Looked up her episode:


I'm only a minute in and she's said the word "science" twice (in the context of a cringy atheist) and said she doesn't feel bad about saying mean things to people. Cunt.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
View attachment 200611

At first I thought this must be the token tranny.

But no, I remember her. On closer inspection that is Yvette d'Entremont.

She had a very bizarre Joe Rogan appearance. Shilling for Monsanto, glyphosate, GMOs, aspartame, seed oils, 'debunking' organic food etc. The sloppiest of goyslops.

She said she drinks diet coke every day but for some weird reason she has headaches all the time.

This diet and lifestyle has led her to age 35 years since 2017 and look like a dying tranny.

From the biggest podcast to kid diddler atheist conventions with Hildy. Nice fall from grace, stupid.
Nerd-tier molochites don't get adrenochrome.

Zyklon for you, kikess.


View attachment 200611

At first I thought this must be the token tranny.

But no, I remember her. On closer inspection that is Yvette d'Entremont.

She had a very bizarre Joe Rogan appearance. Shilling for Monsanto, glyphosate, GMOs, aspartame, seed oils, 'debunking' organic food etc. The sloppiest of goyslops.

She said she drinks diet coke every day but for some weird reason she has headaches all the time.

This diet and lifestyle has led her to age 35 years since 2017 and look like a dying tranny.

From the biggest podcast to kid diddler atheist conventions with Hildy. Nice fall from grace, stupid.

D'Entremont started blogging in 2014.[6] She believes that using "snarky humor" is an important tool for communicating science and has been influenced by the style of Penn & Teller's show, Bullshit.[7] She began to get wider recognition in April 2015, when her Gawker article about Vani Hari, titled The 'Food Babe' Blogger is Full of Shit[7] went viral.[13]

Holy shit. Little did we know, this is who Pat has been ripping off the whole time.