If you want a BJ from Betsy Resto - it is $250

That fat whore couldn’t even be bothered to show up on time to open the first day. It’s insane to me how women can do this. If she were a man she would literally be homeless. No parent would tolerate a jobless 30 year old man staying in their house, especially if his only income was selling his ass and mouth. But for women thats just fine. Never tell your daughter shes a princess or you get this shit.
Good example of this was an episode of U.K. Kitchen Nightmares with this one bitch running a "vegan cafe" or some shit. Daddy fronted the money to play businesslady and of course it immediately went to shit again after Ramsay left. She decided to be a whore afterwards.


Stand Alone Fruit
Good example of this was an episode of U.K. Kitchen Nightmares with this one bitch running a "vegan cafe" or some shit. Daddy fronted the money to play businesslady and of course it immediately went to shit again after Ramsay left. She decided to be a whore afterwards.
Betsy parents fronted the money so she could open a furniture store (she would buy old crappy used furniture from goodwill and sell it for ridiculous mark up) and she couldn’t even be bothered to show up on time for the grand opening that was in the afternoon. She actually called herself “The Furniture Don”

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
Good example of this was an episode of U.K. Kitchen Nightmares with this one bitch running a "vegan cafe" or some shit. Daddy fronted the money to play businesslady and of course it immediately went to shit again after Ramsay left. She decided to be a whore afterwards.
It was in the middle of fucking Paris too.

I don't think it was vegan or anything but she did hire some neurotic old Brazilian crack addict as her head chef to do God knows what, while she spent the day smoking cigarettes at the cafe table on the street.


Everything is fine..png
Now i’ve never been to a hooker but isn’t a $250 blowjob some pretty high class shit?
it's high price shit, I wouldnt say high class.

Also I've never been to a hooker per se... (I've known girls who might appreciate a couple $$... & I'd just share my warez & get freaky. Never a complaint.... I've take a few adderall & they aint gonaa forget that night... I still get texts!