If you want a BJ from Betsy Resto - it is $250


Don't thank the felon, Keith

Asked busty fatso on threads if she would be my personal masseuse, she posted her Venmo name demanding a large contribution. I sent her 69¢ and she replied this morning with a $250 request for blowies. Cancelled it a minute later and blocked me on everything. The end


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
View attachment 201058

Asked busty fatso on threads if she would be my personal masseuse, she posted her Venmo name demanding a large contribution. I sent her 69¢ and she replied this morning with a $250 request for blowies. Cancelled it a minute later and blocked me on everything. The end

Dasa Resto, jus reequesin' anfuggin'.

Sue Lightning

Not surprised she would demand so much while being a gross fat pig in her 30s. I can’t wait for the “Betsy arrested for Prostitution and her brother has to represent her in court” saga.

I looked up her “furniture” store FB page and it hasn’t posted anything in over a year and doesn’t even have any hours listed.
That fat whore couldn’t even be bothered to show up on time to open the first day. It’s insane to me how women can do this. If she were a man she would literally be homeless. No parent would tolerate a jobless 30 year old man staying in their house, especially if his only income was selling his ass and mouth. But for women thats just fine. Never tell your daughter shes a princess or you get this shit.


Stand Alone Fruit
That fat whore couldn’t even be bothered to show up on time to open the first day. It’s insane to me how women can do this. If she were a man she would literally be homeless. No parent would tolerate a jobless 30 year old man staying in their house, especially if his only income was selling his ass and mouth. But for women thats just fine. Never tell your daughter shes a princess or you get this shit.
And she thinks that kind of behavior in her 30s is cute. “OMG! I spent all money on shoes and can’t afford rent! LOL!” and her store opened at like noon and thought it was so funny she was late for her grand opening that featured her eating a cake.

She bragged on FB about what she will get from her parents when they die as some kind of flex. They can never retire because their pig of a daughter feels she’s above working unless she’s the boss. Complete trash that believes she’s a prize.

Sue Lightning

She bragged on FB about what she will get from her parents when they die as some kind of flex. They can never retire because their pig of a daughter feels she’s above working unless she’s the boss. Complete trash that believes she’s a prize.
That would be sad but I know 100% her parents caused this. They raised both of them in upper middle class homes and poured praise on both of them. They convinced Resto to go into a “good field”, law, but he’s such a fucking idiot and not good enough for anything but wine law. His inflated ego made him believe he could take on Pats case and win. And Betsy is the prototypical “daddys girl”, a person who’s been told they’re talented and special and awesome for their whole lives without having to do anything to deserve that praise. Why should she work? Shes not like you other lowly people. Nice job Mr. and Mrs Resto, you fucking jews


Stand Alone Fruit
That would be sad but I know 100% her parents caused this. They raised both of them in upper middle class homes and poured praise on both of them. They convinced Resto to go into a “good field”, law, but he’s such a fucking idiot and not good enough for anything but wine law. His inflated ego made him believe he could take on Pats case and win. And Betsy is the prototypical “daddys girl”, a person who’s been told they’re talented and special and awesome for their whole lives without having to do anything to deserve that praise. Why should she work? Shes not like you other lowly people. Nice job Mr. and Mrs Resto, you fucking jews
It’s been fun watching her go from stuck up bitch that believes she deserves a rich man to take care of her but that didn’t happen and now she’s a miserable pig in her mid 30s that cries about the patriarchy and how she’s so smart because she “decided” to not get married or have kids. No pig, those men with money aren’t interested in you and you’ll forever be alone and depressed, her FB is nothing but cope. She believes she’s above others why being a jobless bum that has to live with her parents into her 30s with no chance of ever moving out. They can’t retire because of the mess they made of her.