Has This Airbnb Been Posted?


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
It makes the sense - Pat claims AI is bad and will destroy his industry but is lazy so will use it to write fake reviews for himself. I bet Post By Ghosts list this as a client / example of their “services”

Don't forget that despite Pat ranting on and on against AI, his stink wife is "obsessed" with it.


This is a guy who vandalized his own motorcycle and thought it was safe to send surveillance video to a journalist and thought nobody would notice. Of course he isn't above fake reviews
I think someone did vandalize his property but did something a lot less "presentable" for the Mole to present to the Huffington Post. Technicality Tomlinson had to stage it a bit for media presentability - although it is true that someone vandalized his property. For example, the Huff Po can't publish an image of "Fat faggot nigger pig" scrawled on his bike, but they can publish something milk toast like "Gay virgin Fatrick." The video of the vandal was also probably really unconvincing so Pig had to put a penlight in his mouth and stand under the light.

Just my theory.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
I think someone did vandalize his property but did something a lot less "presentable" for the Mole to present to the Huffington Post. Technicality Tomlinson had to stage it a bit for media presentability - although it is true that someone vandalized his property. For example, the Huff Po can't publish an image of "Fat faggot nigger pig" scrawled on his bike, but they can publish something milk toast like "Gay virgin Fatrick." The video of the vandal was also probably really unconvincing so Pig had to put a penlight in his mouth and stand under the light.

Just my theory.
I've always assumed he was still burning with rage about that time Cuntfucker left bologna outside his house and was desperate to try and turn it into a vandalism thing.


I'm the girl u needed in Jr. High

Patrick, Patrick, Patrick. This shit is pathetic.

Blatant Search Engine Optimization shit.

"We were in town for a concert" - no.

"We went to see Luke Combs play at American Family Field" - yes!

"Good restaurants nearby" - no.

"We had dinner at The Original and breakfast at Canela Cafe and both are excellent" - yes!

Now people who search for those key terms will find the airbnb. Great job Niki!


Stand Alone Fruit
Blatant Search Engine Optimization shit.

"We were in town for a concert" - no.

"We went to see Luke Combs play at American Family Field" - yes!

"Good restaurants nearby" - no.

"We had dinner at The Original and breakfast at Canela Cafe and both are excellent" - yes!

Now people who search for those key terms will find the airbnb. Great job Niki!
It’s so funny Niki is using the technology that her husbands blames on why he can’t get a publisher to put out his work.


-Former DMANIC
Blatant Search Engine Optimization shit.

"We were in town for a concert" - no.

"We went to see Luke Combs play at American Family Field" - yes!

"Good restaurants nearby" - no.

"We had dinner at The Original and breakfast at Canela Cafe and both are excellent" - yes!

Now people who search for those key terms will find the airbnb. Great job Niki!
How important is the doors location?

I think someone did vandalize his property but did something a lot less "presentable" for the Mole to present to the Huffington Post. Technicality Tomlinson had to stage it a bit for media presentability - although it is true that someone vandalized his property. For example, the Huff Po can't publish an image of "Fat faggot nigger pig" scrawled on his bike, but they can publish something milk toast like "Gay virgin Fatrick." The video of the vandal was also probably really unconvincing so Pig had to put a penlight in his mouth and stand under the light.

Just my theory.
Nice “milk toast,” stupid.

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke


And Jackie sells AI "art" and NFTs on her @0xgraffito grifting account. Fat hypocrite.

View attachment 193504
I hope she's reporting her crypto income to the IRS. Wouldn't want her to get into any more trouble with them.
Shows what he knows. This NFT I bought for 10 bucks and a ham sandwich from some smelly drifter is now worth upwards of $47,500.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/114409278940961263498551524380044259699031465850546336454423439250570164043777[/URL]

Joe's False Teethers

Moo moo moo moo
I don't mean to covet, but that's a woman. No need to show off skin. Has a respect for 1 Timothy 2:9-10.

I sometimes do yard work shirtless in the front yard, but stopped when I was catcalled by a drunk, big eared woman with stanky leggings and sunglasses on top of her head. "You aint black but Id love for you to fart in ma grits! A hyk hyk!" she yelled. Modesty is for men too, folks. I learned that the hard way.

Diddlin' out,
Too bad she was a Christ killer


Fat bitch with faggot tits
The fact that they all mention Patrick is always responsive is so hilarious. He just can't leave a text on read for even a moment. I kind of wish I had a lil taste of that attitude myself. Just a lil taste. I suppose that would require giving up most of my ability to consciously process everything I read.