Erock, comment?

You know I tend to not get involved in all the kike hate shit that goes on around these parts, but I just have to point out a Jew getting expelled from the industries he tried to work in (broadcasting, video games) and eventually settling down in "finance". Way to break the stereotype, schlomo.

Eat me, baby.

I've accomplished more before 35 than you ever will. You wish you had the opportunities to experience my "failures". That's not even me throwing you shade. Just facts.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I've accomplished more before 35 than you ever will. You wish you had the opportunities to experience my "failures". That's not even me throwing you shade. Just facts.
This argument might have worked a decade ago. But seeing where Anthony and Jim are in their lives. And how both of them are pedophiles and degenerates and weirdos openly now. I don't think anyone is jealous anymore that you were friends with Anthony or worked on O&A. No one from O&A went and did anything with the show. Without Opie it all fell apart immediately. Including everyone's personal lives as well (aside from Opie).

Most of us are glad that we never worked for O&A, Sirius, or radio in general knowing what we know now about the show and the industry and Sirius in general.
But seeing where Anthony and Jim are in their lives. And how both of them are pedophiles and degenerates and weirdos openly now.

You in the right thread, bruh? Who was talking about Anthony or Jim?

I don't think anyone is jealous anymore that you were friends with Anthony or worked on O&A.

I don't care for what people "think". Especially you.

No one from O&A went and did anything with the show.

Including Opie & Anthony! Weird!

knowing what we know now about the show and the industry and Sirius in general.

Well, you don't get that opportunity in your 20's in real time. You go with it. You ever take a risk in your life? I don't think so.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Eat me, baby.

I've accomplished more before 35 than you ever will. You wish you had the opportunities to experience my "failures". That's not even me throwing you shade. Just facts.

I honestly have no reason to work for O&A. Wake up at an ungodly hour, commute to Manhattan and then get yelled at by Jimmy because his coffee is cold? Spend my days wondering what bit Intern Jenna will have to come up with to get airtime?

What was your endgoal in the radio business, Danny? Sam wanted his own show, gosh darn he got it! When that 4am alarm buzzed every morning, what did you see yourself doing in 2024? Being the Baba Booey to Ant's Howard?

Or were you just happy to have been there guy? Happy to be there during O&A, happy to be there during GTAV, now your Forest Gump adventures are over and you can settle into a real career, is that it?
get yelled at by Jimmy because his coffee is cold?

Interning is a few months. You wouldn't excel at coffee if it meant bigger things?

Intern Jenna


What was your endgoal in the radio business, Danny?

I did it. in 1999 I was like, "wow what a cool show, I'm a dumb teenager!". Fast forward a few years and it's my full time job.

now your Forest Gump adventures are over and you can settle into a real career, is that it?

You're not wrong! I'd agree with with the Gumpness. Lot's of luck and coincidence went into things, but that's life ain't it? Right place right time. If I wanted my own show I would have done so in the SNV days instead of putting Than & Sam over.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
Finance isn't necessarily the stock market. Take the W, son. That's all you're getting. I work a job somebody else paid $200K for a degree to get.
Good for you, man--it seems most of the staff landed on their feet after the show ended. Probably not a bad idea to get out of the radio biz in the 2020s.

Since you all became "Senior Producers" it seems sort of like a rite of passage. Did the Opester do a ceremony whenever you guys got the title or take the staff out to a steak dinner or something like that whenever one of the boys got the bump? I assume Anthony didn't do anything about it
it seems most of the staff landed on their feet after the show ended.

Well, Steve's feet only landed after they cut him down.

No. The one outing I can recall is we went to Le Parker Meridian for shitty burgers. I'm bias I suppose, but Anthony was much more generous in a general way. I remember getting into an argument over this fuck trying to pay for my tacos one night and it was like, my dude, pay for some other shit I'll never afford, not some fucking tacos, that's insulting. Or say a celeb was coming in, he'd pay for DVD's if staff wanted something signed. Opie never went out of pocket.
A few different things to unpack here.

As much as I don't really want to feed the dudes ego Danny Ross is indeed a success story compared to the average joe. He had involvement both on air and behind the scenes of a radio show that will go down in history as one of the greatest of all time, it is a show that despite being off air for almost 10 years is still discussed today daily, he has been around people that many of us would like to have been around. He also has a credit on the second most successful video game on earth, those are two things that most people will not ever achieve.

I disagree with Danny when he says Sam isn't doing good, Sam is having a really good life as well at least professionally. He's living his dreams by hosting his own radio show with someone he respects and working for the WWE. Good for him, he's an entertaining little worm so he deserves it.

Sam is easily doing the best out of Danny and Erock, the question is who is doing the better out of those two? Danny claims a job in finance but lets be real, reality is probably a job making 60-70k a year doing something he isn't too proud of and not "finance". Meanwhile, Erock works for the Nana who is a paedophile and a disgrace.

To be honest Danny, even if you are tending bar I still give you the dub over Erock because you're not willingly working for a paedophile.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
I remember getting into an argument over this fuck trying to pay for my tacos one night and it was like, my dude, pay for some other shit I'll never afford, not some fucking tacos, that's insulting.

Wait so Anthony tried to pay for your tacos and you yelled at him to buy you a new car instead? In another life you would have made a fine golddigging whore.

Crith Boqth

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint
What are you talking about. During my time, he was demoted and never recovered. I know he worked on O&J, but they let him go after Opie was fired, so what "corporate" role did he claim to be holding..
Ladies and gentlemen, the gym who doesn't care and stopped thinking about a job he worked over 15 years ago

Crith Boqth

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint
I mean, since you asked.

It's pretty obvious that you're bitter at resentful at Erock and also Sam because in the annals of O&A history, they're just more important and more remembered than you.

Your best bit is what? Guitar Hero? Unlistenable. Fighting with Patrice? Every Patrice bit is funny, including him ripping apart your faggy little act of defiance. Meanwhile Erik's got Tequila & Donuts day, the Virus, the Mayo challenge, the cinnamon challenge, the Atlantis, so many bits.

Look at this, two 12-hour compilations of the best Erock bits, carefully edited and easy to just throw on and listen to. Because you take Anthony and Jimmy, add in whatever comedian guest is in studio, and give them someone funny to group up on. Lady Di, Bobo, Intern David - all of them have similar youtube compilations.

No Danny compilation. No commenters begging in comments to make one. Because you're just a thin-skinned little weasel who didn't want to be made fun of, so you sucked up to Anthony and became a cliquey little diva backstage. You, Sam, Travis, Troyquan, Than, who were some of the other hens clucking about how much they hate Steve or Erock?

Erock deserved to make double what you did. Triple. I'm not even doing a bit or trying to rile you up, it's just truth. Ask any O&A fan and they'll say Erock was way more important to the show's legacy than boring Danny "hey me and Anthony get drunk after the show!" Ross.

Jenna leaves lit Crit and actually makes a good post


Give Me Some Money
The Bobby Lee thing was my breaking point. Bobo did NOT want that, and it felt fucking shitty. I remember walking from the studio to the office with Travis like, "Dude....we just sexually assaulted Bobo on the air for laughs..." It was the first time I really didn't like what we just did.
Were you on the rag that day?
Howard gave his wife $20 million in the divorce which was half of his assets at the time. Tom Cruise in the late 80s, 90s, and early 2000s had a string of mega hits that were box office monsters. Top Gun, Rain Man, Days of Thunder, A Few Good Men, The Firm, Interview with the Vampire, Mission Impossible, Jerry McGuire, and so on.

Tom likely was making more than ten or even twenty times what Howard made at that point career wise.

That is what was so ridiculous about it at the time. Stern's contract was HALF A BILLION DOLLARS.

Yes, that contract was for his entire crew, but he's infamous for doling out the paychecks with maximum tight-fistedness.

Satellite radio was envisioned as doing to terrestrial radio what podcasting managed to accomplish; basically they thought satellite radio was going to be The Next Big Thing, so they were willing to gamble huge piles of money to make it happen.

Obviously, that ship sailed after a few years, Sirius and XM merged, and budgets were slashed.

Opie and Anthony even fell for this shit; remember how they got swept up in the hype about "terrestrial consolidation" and invested a bunch of money in Citadel? IIRC, they lost something like 99% of their investment. That was about 22 years ago, if memory serves.
Did I say that?

I hate my job but it pays fine. I live in a gated community on the sound. I do OK for myself.

Sam is married with 2 children to his college sweetheart. He's probably fucked 2 girls maybe in his whole life. He has zero work experience outside of radio. College intern to hire. If you're implying I'm jealous of Sam you're very wrong. If I was Sam I would be scared shitless of the years to come. Agonizing over every passing moment about what's going to be next. The ride is over. You're here. Now what. A whole family to support on what, your fucking Podcasts? NOTSAM merch?

As usual, I agree with you.

An anecdote:

I have a bad habit of getting "laid off" and in a lot of these cases, it basically means that they gave me a month's severance to sign a piece of paper that says I won't sue them. I've been laid off more times than I can count.

Due to being laid off a zillion times, I'm pretty good at interviewing and good at getting jobs. I was once laid off TWICE in the span of four weeks and still managed to find a new job without having any gaps in employment. (I got laid off twice because I had two jobs and was laid off from both.)

About a year back, the place where I worked at 22 years ago, they did a shit ton of layoffs. Just went through the office with a chainsaw and dumped 20% of the staff.

A year later, I have friends from there who are STILL looking for a new job.

And I think the reason they're struggling to find employment is because they're in their 40s, they have kids, they have a house, they have to worry about where their kids go to school, some of them have been divorced and have to juggle that drama for a wife AND an ex-wife, etc.

ME? First time I was laid off, I lived alone and had no kids.

So I basically learned how to deal with layoffs at a much younger age than they are. I "learned the ropes" early on, and now it's just old hat. Another thing that helped in a huge way, is that when you're young, you're not stressed out about having to change careers, but if you're 40s / 50s / 60s, it's much much harder to "pivot."

Sam Roberts turns 41 in four months; he's getting to that age where a layoff can just completely blow up his life.
Sam is easily doing the best out of Danny and Erock, the question is who is doing the better out of those two? Danny claims a job in finance but lets be real, reality is probably a job making 60-70k a year doing something he isn't too proud of and not "finance". Meanwhile, Erock works for the Nana who is a paedophile and a disgrace.

To be honest Danny, even if you are tending bar I still give you the dub over Erock because you're not willingly working for a paedophile.

I work in finance too. This isn't something that I dreamed of doing; it just pays better.

When I was in my early 20s, I wanted to make videogames for a living. I even managed to meet Ed Boon on the day that Mortal Kombat II premiered, and pick his brain for some career advice. Boon basically laid out how he got into the videogame business.

I spent the latter half of my 20s doing I.T. crap for a bank:

- changing the resolution on people's monitors, changing font size. (Lot of old bank employees who need a bigger font than normal.)
- making sure the printers work
- RMA'ing broken components. For instance, if a hard drive crashes under warranty, I had to put it in a box, get it replaced, re-image the desktop, etc.

This is super basic shit. I was paid $25K a year. It was a little bit less than I made delivering pizzas in college.

I wound up working for a bunch of different banks and financial instituions. The last time I worked for a company that wasn't a bank, it paid 65% as much as I make now. And that was just five months ago; it's not like banks have suddenly begun paying badly. They've always paid well.

Everyone and their brother wants to work on videogames; very few people get excited about making sure that banks run smoothly. But banks are SUPER FUCKING OBSESSED WITH UPTIME, and so it's a good paying (albeit boring) job.

I'm not saying Danny does I.T. for a bank; I'm saying there are a gazillion jobs at banks, and all of the jobs tend to pay fairly well, especially if they're in corners of the business that:

- generate revenue

- or the revenue generating parts of the bank are dependent on (IE, I.T.)


Still spreading the O&A virus
That is what was so ridiculous about it at the time. Stern's contract was HALF A BILLION DOLLARS.

Yes, that contract was for his entire crew, but he's infamous for doling out the paychecks with maximum tight-fistedness.
Jackie was making $1 million at WXRK or something like that. Artie made $500K then $700K at Sirius. Only Gary and Robin made more than them (and not that much more). Artie said he usually made double or triple his income by working road gigs and doing movies during his Stern years. Howard would keep the rest. Some of Howard's lower staff were working part time and on welfare or living in packed apartments.

Stern infamously fired Scott the Engineer for asking for donations for his wife who had terminal cancer and they needed to remodel their home around her wheelchair. And Scott made Howard look cheap and tossed him from the show.
Opie and Anthony even fell for this shit; remember how they got swept up in the hype about "terrestrial consolidation" and invested a bunch of money in Citadel? IIRC, they lost something like 99% of their investment. That was about 22 years ago, if memory serves.
That was Fareed and Judy of Citadel. They fooled stupid O&A into getting $100K each into an IPO for Citadel Broadcasting. They talked about this during a Vos appearance in detail for an hour. Someone can find the show or segment. The IPO went up like a point or two then nosedived like a kamikaze pilot until it was a de-listed penny stock.

At some point during the stock tanking Fareed stopped returning their calls and then hilariously fired them from their terrestrial stations. Their stock was worth so little that someone pointed out if they had purchased beer or soda with the $100K, they could have returned the cans for the deposit back, and kept more money.