Erock, comment?


and then she shoved hay in her twat and asshole
I’m not gonna police Dannybashing but i’m sure as fuck gonna police Sampraising. Congratulations Sam, you’re a “full time” (paid for half the time he works, other half unpaid, pay is shit, 0 benefits) WWE broadcaster. LIVING THE DREAM!!!!

Sam Roberts is a talentless fucking failure.
I'd love nothing more than to see half of Sam's head blown off, but he's not talentless. The guy is a cockroach, he always finds a way in and never fucking dies. Even Patrice couldn't do those two things.
Fawk the Opester really went hard in this one :bhzv6yb:

Told ERock he didn't need him and that he just does BASIC SHIT

Once at R&F thing, we got there early and once they started serving drinks, waitstaff was walking around with both red and white wine. Erik grabs a red off the tray, takes a sip and makes a face. Somebody said "What's wrong Erik?" He goes.

".... It's warm."

About a month or so later we're all out for lunch and drinks after the show. Erik and his friend turned up having lunch at the exact same place unbeknownst to us. Ben sent over a red wine with ice cubes and side of mayo.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Well, Steve's feet only landed after they cut him down.

No. The one outing I can recall is we went to Le Parker Meridian for shitty burgers. I'm bias I suppose, but Anthony was much more generous in a general way. I remember getting into an argument over this fuck trying to pay for my tacos one night and it was like, my dude, pay for some other shit I'll never afford, not some fucking tacos, that's insulting. Or say a celeb was coming in, he'd pay for DVD's if staff wanted something signed. Opie never went out of pocket.
Once at R&F thing, we got there early and once they started serving drinks, waitstaff was walking around with both red and white wine. Erik grabs a red off the tray, takes a sip and makes a face. Somebody said "What's wrong Erik?" He goes.

".... It's warm."

About a month or so later we're all out for lunch and drinks after the show. Erik and his friend turned up having lunch at the exact same place unbeknownst to us. Ben sent over a red wine with ice cubes and side of mayo.
Thank you for sharing this kind of stuff