You guys may want to swing by Rick's twitter today


There are people that still don't know the Saudi's were behind 9/11? I thought to everyone that was a universal fact, for a guy obsessed with politics Pat is always behind. "don't believe your lying eyes, child."
In pats defense, he is so consumed with Ukraine and getting Biden reelected that he may have missed this article that came out last week:


The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
He hasnt had one real victory in his battle with trolls.

It's crazy when you think about it. Coming up to 5 years and all he's done is eat Ls consistently. You'd think he would've gotten some small victory over one of his tormentors by now but nope, nothing. He couldn't even successfully get a restraining order against Nadolski when the guy travelled to his fucking local bar ffs.