You guys may want to swing by Rick's twitter today


With gusto and style, micropenis.
We're going to see a lot of this before the election in November.
As insane as Rick's politics are, he's actually falling behind the rest of the pack. He's getting older and out of touch with just how fucking nutty the left is becoming, especially young people. The zoomers are going to eat him alive.

And here we have it. A fully matured, genuine article lolcow.
Be free, Pig. You've outgrown da show.


Funniest part is Rick isn't a Zionist defender, in fact his anti-Semitism is his only redeeming quality. He's just such a cunt to everyone that people end up associating him with their enemy, regardless of which side they're on. Lol.

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
Jesus christ, the addictive high he gets from social media bickering really does bring out the fucking maniac in him, doesn't it? Best part is, Political Pat will absolutely keep gaining followers during the election cycle, which will keep fanning the flames. When the massive weight of this pig's delusions of grandure come crashing down, that's going to be an amazing sight.


Meanwhile his daughter is two hours away, wondering why her father has never had an interest in her life. Curiosity gets the best of her one lonely Monday afternoon, and she sees his Twitter, a loon cooing about fascism and arguing with strangers, calling them child, and she decides to visit her dad Jon's grave and lay a flower on it.