What does Patricks life look like if we never interacted with him?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
'We' are a symptom of Tomlinsonitis. And in fact probably overall less malignant as the farms brutalizes other entrants seeking to milk our pig.

Without us, the Pig would face a much wider onslaught of underbridge dwellers.

Let's not pretend that Mr 1.7 could achieve any measurable success in life, with or without us.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
The guy who originally made the thread with the Norm tweet had been fucking with him for a while iirc, as had a few others from the subreddit, so it feels inevitable he would've come onto the radar. Pretending that's not the case for a second though - I think he would've still fucked his life and opportunities even without our involvement. He's just such an unrelenting, arrogant asshole that it would've caught up to him eventually. Just look at his interactions with Leslie and how much that's cost him in terms of his reputation in the sci fi community. It didn't really take any encouraging from us for her to discover what an utter pos he is and feel motivated to go after him. He also would've probably been discovered by places like KF naturally at some point if we hadn't have brought him there.

In any possible scenario that played out though, I know this - he would still be very fat.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
The guy who originally made the thread with the Norm tweet had been fucking with him for a while iirc, as had a few others from the subreddit, so it feels inevitable he would've come onto the radar. Pretending that's not the case for a second though - I think he would've still fucked his life and opportunities even without our involvement. He's just such an unrelenting, arrogant asshole that it would've caught up to him eventually. Just look at his interactions with Leslie and how much that's cost him in terms of his reputation in the sci fi community. It didn't really take any encouraging from us for her to discover what an utter pos he is and feel motivated to go after him. He also would've probably been discovered by places like KF naturally at some point if we hadn't have brought him there.

In any possible scenario that played out though, I know this - he would still be very fat.
KingofGains/StealthyGains from KF (who is a good dude on Twitter) had already been fighting with him before we knew him as well so I think, as TDS really took hold, there's a good chance he'd end up on the KF radar/lolcow status eventually anyway.

We should remember though that Pat was actually getting Op-Ed shit published even if he wasn't really getting any money from it and still had his public persona of being an extremely successful, smart and handsome bodybuilder confidently in play - to the point he once questioned why all of his trolls call him fat. The complete destruction of his public facade and the revealing of the deepest embarrassments in his past are only out there because of this place. At the very least it would have taken years longer for other people to bother digging that stuff up.
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Which way?! Medium or well done?
Let's not pretend that Mr 1.7 could achieve any measurable success in life, with or without us.
Do you realize how many aspiring writers dream of getting the publishing deals he did from TWO reputable publishing houses? His books are in your local library and book store.

Think about the most creative and best writer you went to school with--now see if they ever got published. Statistically, they didn't.