Robinson et al v. City of Milwaukee et al

I don't like his newer stuff but Whedon is GOATed for his earlier work. I don't think people realize just how influential Buffy is, so much of mainstream media can be traced back to it, even if the people making new movies and shows don't even know it. Problem is no one ever did it as good as Buffy did it.
You know, I'll be honest - I liked the first three seasons for what they were. Not sure how they hold up.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
Because retarded men don’t get outraged at it. Everytime one of these stories goes viral the kid could be fucking 9 but the comments sections are filled with men going “SISSY ID LOVE TO FUCK A TEACHER AT THAT AGE!!!!!”
Legitimately starting at age 11 I would have loved to fuck an attractive teacher.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Legitimately starting at age 11 I would have loved to fuck an attractive teacher.
I was maybe 4 or 5 when I first gave a love letter to an older girl. Obviously I wasn't able to spell real good, so I just kind of winged it. I remember using my parent's electric typewriter because I really liked the sound of typing and the buzzing. I also remember her and her friends laughing their asses off while they tried to decipher it about 20 feet away. Thankfully my sense of shame was about as developed as my writing skills or that would have been really traumatic.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
When those TV crews came to his house to tell his “story” they couldn’t even get photos or B-roll of any damage to his property from the police. All they had was his dumb “X amount of days since Swatted” making the whole thing look like a joke.
Hey now they did film him getting a sip of tepid tap water from his devoted wife
I was maybe 4 or 5 when I first gave a love letter to an older girl.