Resident OnA Limey Swell McGowan has nothing on "Englishman Tomlinson"


Don't take any guff from these swine


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
Absolutely no one in England would drink tea in their front garden unless they're an OAP, or a sausage nigel.

He really has a kid's perception of the world, whether it be riding a bike because he thinks it makes him manly and badass, or drinking English Breakfast tea because it makes him sophisticated and shows his refined taste (unlike those other Americans with their coffee).

He's fat.


Absolutely no one in England would drink tea in their front garden unless they're an OAP, or a sausage nigel.

He really has a kid's perception of the world, whether it be riding a bike because he thinks it makes him manly and badass, or drinking English Breakfast tea because it makes him sophisticated and shows his refined taste (unlike those other Americans with their coffee).

He's fat.
I'll have you know he takes his tea in his back garden like a proper squire; right along the alley and dumpsters.


I'll have you know he takes his tea in his back garden like a proper squire; right along the alley and dumpsters.
Plenty of people will have a cup of tea in their back garden on a nice afternoon. On the weekend though. Not on a Tuesday morning, because they're at work. And it's not some fancy thing. Teabag brewed in a mug. Not strained and served in china cups with saucers. The equivalent of an American having a cup of coffee at home. Fat really is deluded if he thinks that it makes him interesting of sophisticated in any way.