Please DO NOT post this video on Anthony's twitter.


Yeah, wanting a young wife is the same thing as lusting after 8 year olds.
If you’re small enough to hang around middle schools you could scout the tweens for nana. I do remember a story nana told about picking his girlfriend up from her middle school in his car. He must have lived in a real shit neighborhood.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor

Nice manfaced wife homeboy.
Meh, I'd rather have her than Moai headed Flavia, or any broad with a giant ass. She's got no tits and there's no excuse for that. She's certainly not as sexy as Mrs Chipperson, the one Ruiz fucked, not the Viking.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Beige”Faggot”Frequency made a great point in his Nana doc:

“Most men don’t have to clarify the women they sleep with are of the age of consent. Scratch that. Most men don’t make jailbait the cornerstone of their personality.”

The fact that Anthonys penchant for underage women has become this little cutesy joke of “Haha Ant’ll only fuck her when she’s done with homework!!” is fucking disturbing. Because it isn’t based on some Dicaprio shit where he’s dating 19-25 year olds, so the joke is that you’re exaggerating going even younger, and everyone knows its a joke because Dicaprio wouldn’t fuck a 9 year old. Nana dates 16-17 year olds and fucks 14 year olds. They WOULD be doing homework. It’s not a fucking joke or exaggeration or ironic.

Lets go back to his “The lowest I would go is uh…NINE.” Most human beings making up a funny pedo number would probably say 14 or 16, because that age alone is enough to disgust them. Nana had to go to NINE. And even worse no one thought “Oh obviously he’s joking” because they GENUINELY believed he would go that low. Fucking despicable.
I think it was that show or maybe another one patrice said "you should be put to sleep, you piece of shit" and I could feel he kind of meant it. Hard to disagree with him.
Nana had to go to NINE. And even worse no one thought “Oh obviously he’s joking” because they GENUINELY believed he would go that low. Fucking despicable.
I (like hopefully most people) always thought Nana was joking unti the truth came-out... obviously a younger girl/someone seems more attractive but not at Nana level... when I collapsed & went to hospital (fine now btw) I met my latest GF who's exactly my age, she pretty cool. Even ill & looking like shit I can get the job done, I almost feel guilty about it - but I don't use my powers for evil so it's fine.

Ignore the humblebrag, Nana is a ghoul.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
I (like hopefully most people) always thought Nana was joking unti the truth came-out... obviously a younger girl/someone seems more attractive but not at Nana level... when I collapsed & went to hospital (fine now btw) I met my latest GF who's exactly my age, she pretty cool. Even ill & looking like shit I can get the job done, I almost feel guilty about it - but I don't use my powers for evil so it's fine.

Ignore the humblebrag, Nana is a ghoul.
Day someone fills Anthony with slugs, will be a good day. Hopefully it’s Missy’s negro lover

CuntFucker .


Hot. What a model.
That's a nice looking woman who's also loyal. Danny wouldn't know the value of loyalty and faithfulness. He' just a broken little man who sits in front of a $150 computer screen for hours a day, telling internet trolls he's successful. How he keeps trying to tear down his betters stirs up contempt in most of you but it actually deserves pity.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
I couldn't imagine being cucked by my former boss so badly that I can't stop talking about him 20 years later. I can guarantee you that Danny never crosses Opie's mind, yet Danny spits out that name in a rage of tears at least once a week.

He and Nana, just like two jealous ex-girlfriends bitching about their ex over mimosas.


Boq sucks coq
I couldn't imagine being cucked by my former boss so badly that I can't stop talking about him 20 years later. I can guarantee you that Danny never crosses Opie's mind, yet Danny spits out that name in a rage of tears at least once a week.

He and Nana, just like two jealous ex-girlfriends bitching about their ex over mimosas.
I remember somebody asked Opie about Danny during one of his streams and the opster said he had no problem with Danny and liked the guy.

CuntFucker .

I couldn't imagine being cucked by my former boss so badly that I can't stop talking about him 20 years later. I can guarantee you that Danny never crosses Opie's mind, yet Danny spits out that name in a rage of tears at least once a week.

He and Nana, just like two jealous ex-girlfriends bitching about their ex over mimosas.
Danny probably never crosses anybody's mind as far as the people from the show are concerned. Yet he has the uncontrollable urge to bad-mouth them. Twelve years later.

Danny should ask the nut hut for his money back.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
That's a nice looking woman who's also loyal. Danny wouldn't know the value of loyalty and faithfulness. He' just a broken little man who sits in front of a $150 computer screen for hours a day, telling internet trolls he's successful. How he keeps trying to tear down his betters stirs up contempt in most of you but it actually deserves pity.
Lol but Danny fucked ants also-rans, who surely are better looking than this /s


Why does Nana still look off the camera and not talk into the microphone?

This amateur ghoul "worked in radio for 20 years?"

There is no fucking way.

Nana is a fucking hack.



Dirty Bastard
Dan doesn’t realise there a difference between having a wife who’s half your age but legal and looks like a adult and repeated predatory behaviour. There’s a difference between being 38 and meeting an 18 year old and constantly looking for troubled teens from the age of 40 to 60