No, No, No. I Don't Regret Moving to SC


May St. Mel bless you
Why didn't Cummy move to Maine? It's the whitest state in the country, has the least amount of violent crimes, and has lots of gun owners.

He wanted to live in a reliably Republican state, to live with conservative laws around taxes on his non existent income and bans on abortion for his barren girlfriend.

But hey, in a more liberal state, his homebuilder may not have gotten away with ripping him off.
He should have moved to Nevada or Utah but he’s Anth and moves towards more darks per capita than nyc

I live in Nevada and I've previously lived in California, Oregon, and Washington.

The irony about the United States is:

1) All of the places that are super white are overrun with self-hating white Progressives

2) All of the places that are an actual melting pot, tend to lean to the Right

So there's literally no solution for Ant's paradox.

If he moved to the whitest place on the west coast (Portland) he'd be losing his mind over cucked hipsters who pour coffee for a living.

If he moved to somewhere that's fairly balanced (some suburb in Las Vegas) he'd be losing his mind because Las Vegas is something like 25% black

There's literally no place he can go in the US that would meet his requirements.

I took my wife on a vacation in California a couple of times this year, and the first thing I noticed was HOW WHITE that state is. Especially in the nice areas, it's ALL WHITE PEOPLE with a few Indians and Asians thrown into the mix.

I literally saw ONE black dude in the entire time I was in California last, and he was parking his $300K McClaren. He would look at Cumia with complete disgust, and Cumia couldn't afford to live there anyways. (It was in Del Mar CA, a few blocks from where Bill Gates lives.)

Well, he sure as hell ain’t paying them in SC.

Has he lost his damn mind?

When I owed The Tax Man $5000 they were buttfucking me on a weekly basis.

Literally took me FIVE YEARS to get them off my ass.

The thing that sucks about back taxes, is that once The Tax Man figures out that you don't pay your taxes, they start to chase you year after year after year after year.

When I finally negotiated a payment plan, I showed up in person. The woman who was The Tax (Wo)Man, she had my file folder in a pile on her desk.

IE, she was literally flogging the same 10 accounts, year after year after year, until I got my shit so squeaky clean that I could make her forget about me. It sucked. Literally every 3-6 months they would come up with some new reason to sue me.


This is going to sound like a Humble Brag, but it really isn't. When I had piles of tax problems was between the age of 26 and 29. When I would go to the tax office, the Tax Woman would frequently ask me out. She'd just be like "hey it's getting late, why don't we talk about it over dinner." Although she looked like this, I would have 100% taken the bait if I'd actually believed that she'd trade sex for GETTING OFF MY ASS. But I always assumed that if I started doing her "favors" she would've used it as an excuse to attach to me like a barnacle.



Has he lost his damn mind?

When I owed The Tax Man $5000 they were buttfucking me on a weekly basis.

Literally took me FIVE YEARS to get them off my ass.

The thing that sucks about back taxes, is that once The Tax Man figures out that you don't pay your taxes, they start to chase you year after year after year after year.

When I finally negotiated a payment plan, I showed up in person. The woman who was The Tax (Wo)Man, she had my file folder in a pile on her desk.

IE, she was literally flogging the same 10 accounts, year after year after year, until I got my shit so squeaky clean that I could make her forget about me. It sucked. Literally every 3-6 months they would come up with some new reason to sue me.


This is going to sound like a Humble Brag, but it really isn't. When I had piles of tax problems was between the age of 26 and 29. When I would go to the tax office, the Tax Woman would frequently ask me out. She'd just be like "hey it's getting late, why don't we talk about it over dinner." Although she looked like this, I would have 100% taken the bait if I'd actually believed that she'd trade sex for GETTING OFF MY ASS. But I always assumed that if I started doing her "favors" she would've used it as an excuse to attach to me like a barnacle.

The cat doesn't look pleased.


2 point vig
I live in Nevada and I've previously lived in California, Oregon, and Washington.

The irony about the United States is:

1) All of the places that are super white are overrun with self-hating white Progressives

2) All of the places that are an actual melting pot, tend to lean to the Right

So there's literally no solution for Ant's paradox.

If he moved to the whitest place on the west coast (Portland) he'd be losing his mind over cucked hipsters who pour coffee for a living.

If he moved to somewhere that's fairly balanced (some suburb in Las Vegas) he'd be losing his mind because Las Vegas is something like 25% black

There's literally no place he can go in the US that would meet his requirements.

I took my wife on a vacation in California a couple of times this year, and the first thing I noticed was HOW WHITE that state is. Especially in the nice areas, it's ALL WHITE PEOPLE with a few Indians and Asians thrown into the mix.

I literally saw ONE black dude in the entire time I was in California last, and he was parking his $300K McClaren. He would look at Cumia with complete disgust, and Cumia couldn't afford to live there anyways. (It was in Del Mar CA, a few blocks from where Bill Gates lives.)

Anthony would be living in Spring Valley or Chula Vista if he lived in San Diego. Not up north at all.


2 point vig
Off topic on topic but where’s the best place to retire? Where does annuity & 401 go the furthest?
Don't do California. I retired from the military and tried to make it work, way too expensive in Southern California.

I guess the question would be is what/where do you like being close to (beach, etc).

Black Pat

Whacky nigster
Where do you wanna live when you move out of your parents house?
Kill jews. Behead jews. Roundhouse kick a jew into the concrete. Slam dunk a jew baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy kikes. Defecate in a jew's food. Launch jews into the sun. Stir fry jews in a wok. Toss jews into active volcanoes. Urinate into a jew's gas tank. Judo throw jews into a wood chipper. Twist jews heads off. Report jews to the IRS. Karate chop jews in half. Curb stomp pregnant black jews. Trap jews in quicksand. Crush jews in the trash compactor. Liquefy jews in a vat of acid. Eat jews. Dissect jews. Exterminate jews in the gas chamber. Stomp jew skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate jews in the oven. Lobotomize jews. Mandatory abortions for jews. Grind jew fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown jews in fried chicken grease. Vaporize jews with a ray gun. Kick old jews down the stairs. Feed jews to alligators. Slice jews with a katana.

Anthony was so sheltered for so long. Driving into midtown from Long Island, Po parks his car, Po gets his car. He only started complaining about "the city" once he starting having to take the LIRR and commute. He's seeing now what everyday NY'ers have been seeing for 40 years. I used to roll through Penn Station at 4:45am. Nothing is "different". Nothing has "changed". There's always going to be crackheads in the city. There's always going to be homeless in the city. He's only seeing it now, that he doesn't have "people" to shelter him from it all.

Since Trejo Cheeks loves using crime data, let's play that game.

Never heard a peep in 2000. 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005... According to this, NYC was WORSE back then.

Murders, down. Rape, down. Car theft, down. Three dudes rolling on fent by Penn Station, and NYC IN DISTRESS!!!!! All coming from a guy who used to freebase, but that was OK since there were no phone cameras back then? I guess?
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