Nana Gives The Donald $100


hard drive full of CP media

Very innocent Nana was also a victim of unconstitutional illegal witch hunt
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It's become clear at this point that Ant is and always has been a total moron. Him and Joe are just a pair of easily conned retards. Nice still looking for a daddy figure to make everything better in your 60s, pair of fucking loser wops.
They're both complete morons, but I'd like to somehow ask 2004/2005 Anthony what he thinks about the fact that he will one day emotionally donate a cool $100 to a 77 year old Donald Trump.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile

There is an irony here, that old queen missed.
Up until Trump was President, he got away with similar shit Rev Al has. Now Al has bashed the Jews and gays in the past, but again nobody cares, bc when was the last time anyone took Rev Al seriously.

Trump exposed himself to all this shit by running for office.

TLDR, never run for any office cause all your dirty shit that your pals buried will come out and fuck you
They're both complete morons, but I'd like to somehow ask 2004/2005 Anthony what he thinks about the fact that he will one day emotionally donate a cool $100 to a 77 year old Donald Trump.
"HAHAHAHAHOLEEEEEEEEEEEESHIT! I'm giving DONALD TRUMP a hundred bucks? In 2024? Think about this, Ope. In 2024, a girl born in 2010 will be fourteen years old. Four-teen."

Black Pat

Whacky nigster
Fucking lol imagine donating to a politician “HE NEEDS OUR HELP!!!” Like how Pats wife donates to the DNC. Yeah i’m sure Biden or Trump really need you to open your wallet, and aren’t getting millions from corporate interests. RUBES and even worse…SIMPS
They're all a bunch of self important faggots who would allow them to be eaten alive by lions if it meant a 0.5% boost at the polls. The only people whose money matters in any elections are the mega wealthy who pour in millions.