Man whose diet is 70% corn syrup is going to lecture you about corn syrup

Last official corn dog sighting was 6 months ago. What a refined palate from a self proclaimed "foodie".

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And also, irrespective of his corndog eating habits and general fatness, what a fucking hack joke. The stupid "isn't real/can't hurt you" meme, and then a fucking Jaws theme reference, how original. What a witty guy. He really felt he had a winner there, and no doubt tweeted it while his slopstick was still turning in the microwave.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
When Trump gets re-elected , I hope deports that limey faggot back to the UK. Then puts his wife and kids on a no fly list so he can’t see them ever again. That or throw him and that other foreign faggot Trevor Noah in gitmo.
There was a time when every daily show clone had a foreigner as a host. Oliver a Brit, Ooga on the daily show and that hunchbacked Canadian broad Samantha Bee. Quite insulting to the American people if you ask me