Jackie is having a bad (and fat) day

She's still reeling from this. Just posted an obnoxiously long tweet in defense of her shitty track record. Mostly buzzword salad.

Some highlights:

"My track record speaks for itself.

As a seasoned threat hunter and detection specialist
with a history of serving in high-level roles such as Global Director of Incident Response for one of the largest tech companies in the world and as Lead Incident Response and Threat Detection Analyst on the Biden campaign, my expertise in identifying and mitigating threats is well established."

"Seeking to discredit my character while dismissing my findings, or labeling my threat-related findings as "conspiracy theories" without proper review or having additional data is often a sign that there is a malign intention behind the account making the claim.

Anyone claiming I am a hobbyist or "self styled researcher" is a conspiracy theorist themselves, as my accomplishments are well documented."

"The fact that someone like me is even sharing this type of information should blow your mind.

The pressures against doing so are immense. Look around."

Jax also appears to be calling the Blocked and Reported hosts pedophiles.
Of course she defends that looney tune Nina Jankovitz. Whatever the fuck her name is. Crazy recognizes crazy.