Jackie is having a bad (and fat) day


With gusto and style, micropenis.
Earlier this week, Jackie was accusing Katie Herzog of being a secret transsexual.

In case you don't remember, Katie is a very twinkish looking lesbian that hosts the Blocked and Reported podcast and did multiple episodes on the PST saga. IIRC their (completely accurately) conclusion was that everyone involved sucks, including Jackie.

Jackie is most certainly dick deep in manic land this week

Katie, regardless of what you want to say about her, was one of the first guests on Tim Dillon's podcast once he started having them. She's a well-respected independent journalist if those even exist anymore, and, if they do, she's for sure not making enough money to retire before 90. But she's so intellectually above Snax It's not really fair.



With gusto and style, micropenis.

Snax is shutting down replies just like Rix


The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
I think I’ve crystallized why I hate Jackie so much. She’s too much work for the payoff. Even when she’s manic like the last 4 days, she’s not funny. I find myself squinting at her crazy tweets, finding her claptrap train of thought, and then maybe the humor in it. For his innumerable faults, Pat keeps it simple. They’re as ridiculous as each other but Rick is just funny in a way that Jackie isn’t.

100%. I don't think I've ever laughed once at anything related to Jackie. Her form of mental illness is just that totally insufferable kind that the worm used to rant about, where they drag everyone around them down and make their lives miserable.
She can't help the fact that she's mentally ill and made up of genetic garbage.

It's the whole "They are scared of me! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: ", "They are big mad at me! 😂😂" on wash and repeat 7 days a week that is so unlikeable.

She clearly self identifies as some kind of "chaotic good" hacker that's legal (wink wink) or perhaps the cop that doesn't play by the book but by god she can take down the bad guys!

Jackie "motherfucking" singh. Pee-yew!
I lost all respect I had for the military. I know there are a couple million vets but knowing that Jackie, Laura Rich and Jocko Willink were in there is enough.
It's not like they were defending their homeland or fighting some virtuous war, they were grunts sent out to kill mostly innocent brown people for the military industrial complex and Jewish politicians. You shouldn't feel any sympathy for these people.
It's not like they were defending their homeland or fighting some virtuous war, they were grunts sent out to kill mostly innocent brown people for the military industrial complex and Jewish politicians. You shouldn't feel any sympathy for these people.
Killing brown people is the best thing the the military does. Our doctrine should have been America first and exploitive of the world.