Jackie is having a bad (and fat) day

Tagine Enthusiast

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I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
I think I’ve crystallized why I hate Jackie so much. She’s too much work for the payoff. Even when she’s manic like the last 4 days, she’s not funny. I find myself squinting at her crazy tweets, finding her claptrap train of thought, and then maybe the humor in it. For his innumerable faults, Pat keeps it simple. They’re as ridiculous as each other but Rick is just funny in a way that Jackie isn’t.
Earlier this week, Jackie was accusing Katie Herzog of being a secret transsexual.

In case you don't remember, Katie is a very twinkish looking lesbian that hosts the Blocked and Reported podcast and did multiple episodes on the PST saga. IIRC their (completely accurately) conclusion was that everyone involved sucks, including Jackie.

Jackie is most certainly dick deep in manic land this week