Is Pat one of those paid DNC influencers?

Does he get paid for his courageous hot takes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 9.3%
  • No

    Votes: 88 90.7%

  • Total voters

Sue Lightning




Stand Alone Fruit
I fucking hate that stupid Eric Clapton avatar “Jeff Tiedrich” faggot. Every tweet he opens with some dramatic “Holy fucking shit,” and then just says something about Trump.

“Holy fucking shit, Trump just said he likes chewing ice cream. And people will still vote for this guy.”

Shut up faggot. You aren’t shocked. You’ve followed Trump for 8 years and you’re surprised at any of the shit he says or does?

I’m also really fucking tired of these dumb faggots acting like they preferred the old Republican party, who they ALSO called moralless christian nazis.

“Man, remember when a rape allegation would sink your campaign 10 years ago?”

….No? Clinton won his nomination with one. So did Biden. WHERE DO YOU GET THE BALLS?
I like how they’re all supposed to be just normal regular people that are “concerned” about what’s going on yet also attend lavish parties at the White House. Personally I think they should have to state on their bio that they are a paid by the DNC.

Sue Lightning

This might be his most Autistic selfie.
Look at his fucking poofy hair. He legitimately looks like a pinhead.

I like how they’re all supposed to be just normal regular people that are “concerned” about what’s going on yet also attend lavish parties at the White House. Personally I think they should have to state on their bio that they are a paid by the DNC.
1000%. It is LAW that if i go on social media and promote a product i HAVE to state i’m being paid by the company to do so. It is LAW that if i go on social media and promote Bidens campaign i HAVE to state i’m being paid by the campaign to do so. So how the fuck is this shit allowed? The only way I can imagine it is if theres shell companies within shell companies to create deniability like “What? No, the DNC isn’t paying these people! The DNC is paying this consulting company which is paying this media company which is paying these people! So it’s not from us at all!”


Stand Alone Fruit
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“Yo, I wrote a thing”

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Patrick is the only person lame enough to rip this guy off.
I’ve noticed the only people that talk about “Dark Brandon” and how great he is are paid shills. It’s just as cringy as those photoshops of Trumps head on Rocky, Rambo, etc.


The gunslinger.
Exactly this.

Pat's dream isn't to be a famous author. He's flat-out said he wouldn't work ever again if he was rich. His dream is to be the token conservative who actually hates all of the conservatives on some sort of MSNBC bullshit show. Trouble is he's an exceptionally stupid retard who flies off the handle at even the slightest pushback so he will never be put in that position. Somehow it's all Trump's fault though. Child. stlaker. Enjoy Prison.

His worse nightmare is being on TV and humiliated when someone disagrees with him and reveals he doesn’t know anything. That’s why he just blocked Shapiro instead of debating him and getting seen by millions of people.

Sue Lightning

His worse nightmare is being on TV and humiliated when someone disagrees with him and reveals he doesn’t know anything. That’s why he just blocked Shapiro instead of debating him and getting seen by millions of people.
Sadly i dont think thats his biggest nightmare because that implies he feels any shame or would realize he doesn’t know shit. He is a man completely incompatible with the idea of a “debate”. That implies another side gets to speak which he is vehemently against. Even if he could refute their points he doesn’t think he needs to. The answer is so obvious and one sided that if you don’t see it “You’re just too stupid”.

His biggest nightmare is probably getting invited onto a MSNBC or CNN spot and actually having to just talk about his ideas with likeminded people. He would completely collapse because encountering anyone who even slightly corrects him, even by just offering more context or info, would be doubting him and thus rife for a childing.


The gunslinger.
Sadly i dont think thats his biggest nightmare because that implies he feels any shame or would realize he doesn’t know shit. He is a man completely incompatible with the idea of a “debate”. That implies another side gets to speak which he is vehemently against. Even if he could refute their points he doesn’t think he needs to. The answer is so obvious and one sided that if you don’t see it “You’re just too stupid”.

His biggest nightmare is probably getting invited onto a MSNBC or CNN spot and actually having to just talk about his ideas with likeminded people. He would completely collapse because encountering anyone who even slightly corrects him, even by just offering more context or info, would be doubting him and thus rife for a childing.


Sue Lightning

It’s amazing he does this for free - inflation isn’t real, child.
View attachment 200560
Ughhhhhh….I hate when Pat has a point about something but he’s still just such a fucking idiot. Obviously grocery stores are gouging people in a way thats not tied to inflation, just keeping up those quarterly profits. But he thinks he can wipe away the general inflation that IS happening by going “See? Just greedy executives!”


Stand Alone Fruit
Ughhhhhh….I hate when Pat has a point about something but he’s still just such a fucking idiot. Obviously grocery stores are gouging people in a way thats not tied to inflation, just keeping up those quarterly profits. But he thinks he can wipe away the general inflation that IS happening by going “See? Just greedy executives!”
Obviously companies realized they can jack their prices and blame it on inflation but that doesn’t mean inflation isn’t real like Pat claims. But inflation is something that makes Biden look bad and that isn’t allowed.


May St. Mel bless you
You know unrelated, wtf was wrong about what she said? “Ohhh so all immigrants are good for is cleaning toilets??” the rich white audience gasps. YES? Have you ever fucking met one? All they do is shitty jobs. No one is going to tell me there are illegal immigrant doctors out there

The fact shes a British cunt (redundant) makes its 1000x funnier.


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
Lol no. First of all he’s not good enough at it to get paid. Second of all he’s too big a fucking retard to follow any points given to him - The DNC wouldn’t support his retarded centrism especially with shit like Israel / Gaza. Third he doesn’t have a big enough following to influence anyone - The best choice to influence people is probably not a shadowbanned debtor who argues with people all day.

I said this before but Pat could easily be one of these people if he had enough restraint. Theres a faggot named Bryan Tyler Cohen (?) who’s entire shtick is “I’m a conservative but not after Trump!”. He went from making videos on snapchat to a paid commentator position at MSNBC. That could EASILY be Pat if he werent so fucking stupid
Is that dude ugly? Like Pat ugly? Pat looks like shit on video and in photos and I imagine in real life. I could see him getting paid to tweet but on TV? Even MSNBC has a low threshold for their contributors.
grocery chain stores have whole departments working-out what the maximum prices they can charge for max profit, anything 'cheap' is what's called a 'loss leader' because it brings people into the store & then they buy other stuff.

This is why I'll put a block of cheese in my pocket now & then; the misnomer that other customers absorb the cost is just bullshit - supermarkets charge the most that the focus group says they can at all times... if someone ramraided the store & took everything then the prices would still be the same the next day


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
grocery chain stores have whole departments working-out what the maximum prices they can charge for max profit, anything 'cheap' is what's called a 'loss leader' because it brings people into the store & then they buy other stuff.

This is why I'll put a block of cheese in my pocket now & then; the misnomer that other customers absorb the cost is just bullshit - supermarkets charge the most that the focus group says they can at all times... if someone ramraided the store & took everything then the prices would still be the same the next day

What cheese?