Felony food orders

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
Entire Saturday? Isn't it like noon his time?

Sue Lightning

This is such bullshit. I had a pizza ordered to my house as a prank and for the next like year anytime i tried ordering one they had to confirm it was me. Now granted I don’t live in niggertown like Pat where I assume these pizza places have high turnover, but are you seriously telling me they don’t have a system with his address written down saying “Do not deliver to this guy under any circumstances”. Dominos just love making pizzas , spending time delivering them, and not getting paid for them i guess

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
This is such bullshit. I had a pizza ordered to my house as a prank and for the next like year anytime i tried ordering one they had to confirm it was me. Now granted I don’t live in niggertown like Pat where I assume these pizza places have high turnover, but are you seriously telling me they don’t have a system with his address written down saying “Do not deliver to this guy under any circumstances”. Dominos just love making pizzas , spending time delivering them, and not getting paid for them i guess
They don’t. A funster talked to them about it a while ago.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
This is such bullshit. I had a pizza ordered to my house as a prank and for the next like year anytime i tried ordering one they had to confirm it was me. Now granted I don’t live in niggertown like Pat where I assume these pizza places have high turnover, but are you seriously telling me they don’t have a system with his address written down saying “Do not deliver to this guy under any circumstances”. Dominos just love making pizzas , spending time delivering them, and not getting paid for them i guess
I didnt think it was true either. Until Dan or JDA ( forgot who did it) called the local dominos and they were very aware of pat and shared what a sperg retard he is and that Niki has to do his damage control because he would end up throwing a tantrum and yelling at them. The guy working there was kinda laughing about what a retard pat is.

Sue Lightning

Jónbros, we're so back
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Lol lets remove the “wire” / online aspect. Lets say you go into a pizza place and say to them “I need a medium pie but i cant stick around, deliver it to this address and i’ll pay you then”. And they do and it’s a prank…is that literally defrauding a pizza place. No no its obviously not


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
He's bringing back the classics now

I wonder if he's retarded enough that he's gotten the lawsuit against the police off the ground thinking he will win that now he's just going to try suing as many places as he can.
He has about a month left to ammend his lawsuit to add more people. So maybe we'll see craigslist and that black guy that someone talked to at Dominos added.