Dave Smith has surpassed Jim Norton in every way

The fuck are you on about. Remember how she started hiding her chin in photos after we clowned on her for it?
I memba. Hid her chin artfully on every social post for months which only fed the anger. It all culminated when we occupied his ama territory for Libertwat and outjewed him, despite his genetic incapacity for shame.


The fuck are you on about. Remember how she started hiding her chin in photos after we clowned on her for it?
The fuck are you on about sir? She’s good looking even with the Jay Leno chin. Trying to obscure it on social media is standard woman behavior, no different than filters for old women or camera angles for fatties. Plus she’s not a tranny, which is the whole point of this thread.
Nah, Smith’s insane behavior and her abrupt quitting of the show says differently. Norton fucked her, Dave found out and made her quit Chip and have a baby.
No, he creeped her out and she decided to quit instead of dealing with Jim and his weird pouting baby attitude when he gets rejected