Dave Smith has surpassed Jim Norton in every way


Give Me Some Money
And Dave didn’t make her do shit. Whats more realistic, Dave was jealous of Jim hitting on his girlfriend in his faggoty character, or she genuinely saw through what worm was doing and was grossed out by him?

He’s a fucking loser and no different from a Louis CK, maybe even worse. He gives jobs to women he wants to fuck and thinks they then owe him sex.
I’ve been a huge LOS fan for a long time even though I don’t really keep up with it much anymore. That just doesn’t fit Dave’s personality. Bobby got all upset that she quit over an email or something. Jim was clearly harassing her at work and she felt disgusted by the whole thing. The sub just took Jim’s side because they still liked him and his “podacast.” I think Dave just shouldered the blame because it’s his fawkin chick.
Listen, if the choice is between shitting on Dave or Jim then I will choose Dave every day of the week.


The gunslinger.
Dave is funny but even if he wasn’t that’s not a crime. Raping a blacked out teenager in the R&F offices on the other hand is a serious criminal offense.

And he raped a bunch of damaged girls (probably underage) with Ron Jeremy, he used to have bits about it until Ron was convicted of being a serial child rapist, then he scrubbed them all and pretends they didn’t exist.


that nigga blessed if you ask me ❤️
And he raped a bunch of damaged girls (probably underage) with Ron Jeremy, he used to have bits about it until Ron was convicted of being a serial child rapist, then he scrubbed them all and pretends they didn’t exist.
“Ron Jeremy invited me to have a threesome with him. That’s like having mass with the Pope.” That’s in one of his specials. There’s one where he talks about harassing massage therapists into jerking him off. These are all available on Epix.com because he’s too low rent to get a Netflix special.
I think it’s quite clear that Norton was hitting on her as Chip because she was his “girlfriend” on the show and it seeped into real life. Jim is definitely a sex pest.
Norton has told some stories about hanging out and having dinner with groups of prostitutes. And there were a few years where he kept bringing whores onto the show, as if the listeners are interested in that shit. (Who on earth gives a single fuck about what a whore has to say?)

I always felt bad for him, because the only reason that a whore would demand that "her friends come along" is if you're a sex pest.

IE, if Norton wasn't such a pest, they would just fuck him and take his money. The reason they're "bringing a friend" to these "dates" is because they don't feel safe around him.
And he raped a bunch of damaged girls (probably underage) with Ron Jeremy, he used to have bits about it until Ron was convicted of being a serial child rapist, then he scrubbed them all and pretends they didn’t exist.
I was there that day.

I flew out to Vegas to meet them. Opie and Anthony were doing a "meet and greet" at CES but Norton didn't show up. The following week, Norton talked about how he spit roasted some whore with Ron Jeremy.

I thought it was such a Dick Move; people were literally flying 1000 miles to meet them, and XM Radio was paying them to be there, but he couldn't be bothered to show up.

I wonder if I met Danny that day? I met David Coverdale from Whitesnake, he was another person that XM dragged out. He's basically the tiniest person I've ever seen, he's about 5'6" tall and couldn't weigh more than a hundred pounds lol



Norton has told some stories about hanging out and having dinner with groups of prostitutes. And there were a few years where he kept bringing whores onto the show, as if the listeners are interested in that shit. (Who on earth gives a single fuck about what a whore has to say?)

I always felt bad for him, because the only reason that a whore would demand that "her friends come along" is if you're a sex pest.

IE, if Norton wasn't such a pest, they would just fuck him and take his money. The reason they're "bringing a friend" to these "dates" is because they don't feel safe around him.
Wasn’t he blacklisted from the major hooker websites / groups in NYC for being a gross degenerate?


Everyone’s alt
I was there that day.

I flew out to Vegas to meet them. Opie and Anthony were doing a "meet and greet" at CES but Norton didn't show up. The following week, Norton talked about how he spit roasted some whore with Ron Jeremy.

I thought it was such a Dick Move; people were literally flying 1000 miles to meet them, and XM Radio was paying them to be there, but he couldn't be bothered to show up.

I wonder if I met Danny that day? I met David Coverdale from Whitesnake, he was another person that XM dragged out. He's basically the tiniest person I've ever seen, he's about 5'6" tall and couldn't weigh more than a hundred pounds lol

Those two little bitches are all hair lol
I watched a bit of this last night in the same way people watch videos of horrible accidents

Norton looks so old and so fat. He's still doing the same "I'm a fucking zilch" humour. Sam, while still being an ugly mutant, has either started eating real food and/or working out, and looks better than he ever has (not saying much.) He's also taken the weird decision to appear in a tight close up shot, like he's on a teams call (probably Jess's idea)

Wtf? Jim and Sam is like a shitter muchore boring version of Woke Howard Stern 2024

If I was a investor with Sirius I'd be fuming right now

Single Action Army

We ain't goon hooligans we Maloonigans
Remember when Jimmy went off on air because a young normalish-looking comic stole Chins McGillicuddy away from him?

I'm sure he was THIS close to piping Laura if only Dave didn't interfere


Nah, Dave Smith is as bad or worse than Louis CK with the sniffing of his own farts. Trying to be serious with his infantile libertarian schtick is insufferable. At least Norton has generated some laughs.


Give Me Some Money
I’m not arguing with anyone anymore. LOS reigns supreme as far as podcasts go and Dave is an integral part of it. Blah blah blah
Eh, there are a lot of pods out there that are a lot better than LoS. Hell, Bonfire sucks now and it's still better than LoS. If you removed Dave from the show, literally nothing would change. All he does is hold them back, whenever they come up with a fun gag or bit to do, Dave always sits it out. Norton described him best when he called him background noise.


Potential R* Screenshotter
I was there that day.

I flew out to Vegas to meet them. Opie and Anthony were doing a "meet and greet" at CES but Norton didn't show up. The following week, Norton talked about how he spit roasted some whore with Ron Jeremy.

I thought it was such a Dick Move; people were literally flying 1000 miles to meet them, and XM Radio was paying them to be there, but he couldn't be bothered to show up.

I wonder if I met Danny that day? I met David Coverdale from Whitesnake, he was another person that XM dragged out. He's basically the tiniest person I've ever seen, he's about 5'6" tall and couldn't weigh more than a hundred pounds lol

The dress really brings out your eyes.