Colin Quinn doesn't even own property


Jackie Martling loans his houses out to major production studios for shows. The show 'The Affair' used one of his mansions or whatever, and the entire basement, wall to wall, to was filled with Jackie CDs and DVDs and t-shirts.
I watched that show. It’s the one with McNulty from the Wire. I didn’t realize one of Jackie’s houses was used. I should rewatch just to see his merch.
I think a lot of the time we overestimate how much these guys are making. I just checked Colin Quinn's website and he's working a very small building in Pennsylvania this weekend for 40 dollars a ticket. If the building seats 100 for a gig and on a sell out makes 4k how much of that could Colin realistically command? Especially if the venue is flying him out, accommodating him etc. Maybe a grand? Two? Not bad for a nights work but hardly huge money either.

Even Norton despite a six figure salary with Sirius when he was on O&A and doing Leno, gigs, movies etc only has a 1 bedroom apartment in NYC to show for it (In terms of property at least)


Steering the ship since I was 18
That is true. Even though the “gig” was him showing up at some WWE event as a viewer and him trying to sue/muscle Johnny Fratto out of money even though he failed to promote what he was supposed to promote but it was still Johnny’s fault, (or Johnny was really desperate for promotion and plotted the whole thing. That’s my belief, as retarded as it sounds). The whole “no mohawk” was just him being difficult and Stern not wanting to admit they might not be able to afford to film a movie even of this short length. And all the while, Colin gets dragged by his dick.
Everything with Eric was a shitty bit once Fratto got his slimy ginzo hooks in him, like "you know what to do" and the werewolf shit when he was getting tv work.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I think a lot of the time we overestimate how much these guys are making. I just checked Colin Quinn's website and he's working a very small building in Pennsylvania this weekend for 40 dollars a ticket. If the building seats 100 for a gig and on a sell out makes 4k how much of that could Colin realistically command? Especially if the venue is flying him out, accommodating him etc. Maybe a grand? Two? Not bad for a nights work but hardly huge money either.
$4K per show. Venue might take $2K but keep the money from drinks as well. Gotta pay your agent and publicist their cut. Gotta pay for promotion yourself and do local radio and television spots all day and night before the gig for free. Can sell merchandise after the show, but that requires someone to handle money or credit card transactions, ship and store the merchandise as well.

Artie Lange got paid $50K to $70K to do shows at large venues or in casinos, per show. So if he did two or three shows on a weekend he could clear $150K. One time Artie did $140K in two shows at a casino and gambled and spent $145K on strippers and sports betting and table games. And this was still not enough for Artie who routinely tried to get sitcom or movie work instead of doing Stern and standup.
Even Norton despite a six figure salary with Sirius when he was on O&A and doing Leno, gigs, movies etc only has a 1 bedroom apartment in NYC to show for it (In terms of property at least)
Norton is another who must have some area where he is just tossing money into a furnace. We know how Anthony became nearly broke. But Norton's money sinkholes other than Viking Prince Alan are a mystery.
I think a lot of the time we overestimate how much these guys are making. I just checked Colin Quinn's website and he's working a very small building in Pennsylvania this weekend for 40 dollars a ticket. If the building seats 100 for a gig and on a sell out makes 4k how much of that could Colin realistically command? Especially if the venue is flying him out, accommodating him etc. Maybe a grand? Two? Not bad for a nights work but hardly huge money either.

Even Norton despite a six figure salary with Sirius when he was on O&A and doing Leno, gigs, movies etc only has a 1 bedroom apartment in NYC to show for it (In terms of property at least)
Jim's place is two bedroom with a balcony that is pretty large. I think someone posted the listing and it was millions. He had another place that I think he had paid off too.
Jim's place is two bedroom with a balcony that is pretty large. I think someone posted the listing and it was millions. He had another place that I think he had paid off too.
Do you know where he lives exactly? He's kinda secretive about that, but I'm interested in seeing the building

Norton is another who must have some area where he is just tossing money into a furnace. We know how Anthony became nearly broke. But Norton's money sinkholes other than Viking Prince Alan are a mystery.

…Hookers, dude. Did you ever listen to O&A? He was paying hundreds for sex multiple nights a week for years.