Colin Quinn doesn't even own property


Stand Alone Fruit
Do people really think Colin is successful? Does he even fill theaters on the road? Loved the guy on the show but I don’t think he had very much success post MTV and SNL.
I think he’s doing ok as a stand up for a career but not “rich” if that makes sense. Sandler at least put him in a couple movies and he’s had specials that Jerry Seinfeld was involved with so he’s doing alright. He might be one of those types that is putting money away so when he retires he buys a place down south and doesn’t have to do the road anymore. My uncle did that - rented a place then when he retired bought a place down south.


I think he’s doing ok as a stand up for a career but not “rich” if that makes sense. Sandler at least put him in a couple movies and he’s had specials that Jerry Seinfeld was involved with so he’s doing alright. He might be one of those types that is putting money away so when he retires he buys a place down south and doesn’t have to do the road anymore. My uncle did that - rented a place then when he retired bought a place down south.
Do comics retire? Seem too narcissistic for that.


Stand Alone Fruit
Do comics retire? Seem too narcissistic for that.
Eh, yes and no. I think Gilbert was actually planning to do that once he kids finished high school - I think he even had bought a place down in Florida and joked how he’s just like every other old Jew from New York down there. Colin strikes me as a guy who would do that or just play places close to him down south (like Florida) here and there but not any “real” touring.


Welcome to our establishment
Did he ever go through a divorce? I know Norm didn’t have much when he died but that was because of his long history gambling.
Wasn’t he married to the broad he cheated on? Around the time he got fat and depressed. I imagine he got a decent cheque from Grownups.

They talked about the net worth site that said he was worth $2 million. :image_9248: You're not worth 2 million.

Sue Lightning

I think he’s doing ok as a stand up for a career but not “rich” if that makes sense. Sandler at least put him in a couple movies and he’s had specials that Jerry Seinfeld was involved with so he’s doing alright.
Colin seems preoccupied with “success” rather than success. If the option were a 10 million dollar special directed by a nobody, vs a 100,000 dollar special directed by Seinfeld, he’s gonna go with the latter. He’s essentially perfected Patrices mentality of “I’m gonna do whatever I want” but actually made industry connections and gained respect through it.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Do comics retire? Seem too narcissistic for that.
Most standup comics either blow their brains out or work until they are dead. They all dream and fantasize about getting into movies like Eddie Murphy or a giant show like Tim Allen or podcast/UFC like Rogan. None of them want to work the road. That standup documentary that followed a guy getting back into road gigs was more brutal and depressing than cartel beheading videos.

No one who is a movie star or television star transitions into full time road standup. It's on the same level as pornography in show business.