Chicken coop upgrades and vertical vs horizontal


I want to end a family
This cunt needs this thing to be as automated as possible yet she has 3 kids which is just free farm labor. Those little retards are going to be useless as fuck.

You can't just leave the birds in there 24/7, cunt. You also need a pond if you're gonna have ducks, cunt.
Yeah I remember my uncle used to have birds and it was my cousin's duty to close the door every night. Wtf is she even doing


Currently dying of shit eating disease.
Yeah I remember my uncle used to have birds and it was my cousin's duty to close the door every night. Wtf is she even doing
Even if she doesn't have a fenced yard, they eventually know to stay off the road and you don't really have to round them up. They want to go home, basically all you have to do is feed and water them and open and close the doors. Dumbass wants this to be a stream of passive income. "We're gonna sell eggs to all of Wisconsin and we never had to lift a finger! The birds did all the work and I repaid them by locking them in an automated bird prison for their entire lives!"