Anthony Cumia is a fucking pussy.

Sue Lightning

For all his tough guy LARPing he is a molestation victim who plays with dolls, gets in fights with only women, gets a nervous tummy and can’t speak when two men argue, and shit talks other men behind their back rather than confront them.

To be honest, i’d love to see a nigger knock his fucking lights out. The best part would obviously be the crying and begging that comes before it. Only second to him going on twitter after to proclaim victory and shout nigger.

If him or Erock is reading this, fuck you. You’re a fucking prancing faggot homo just like daddy said.


For all his tough guy LARPing he is a molestation victim who plays with dolls, gets in fights with only women, gets a nervous tummy and can’t speak when two men argue, and shit talks other men behind their back rather than confront them.

To be honest, i’d love to see a nigger knock his fucking lights out.
The best part would obviously be the crying and begging that comes before it. Only second to him going on twitter after to proclaim victory and shout nigger.

If him or Erock is reading this, fuck you. You’re a fucking prancing faggot homo just like daddy said.

LOL, that's fucking Missy


Pronouns: (Hee/Tee)
LOL, that's fucking Missy

For all his tough guy LARPing he is a molestation victim who plays with dolls, gets in fights with only women, gets a nervous tummy and can’t speak when two men argue, and shit talks other men behind their back rather than confront them.

To be honest, i’d love to see a nigger knock his fucking lights out. The best part would obviously be the crying and begging that comes before it. Only second to him going on twitter after to proclaim victory and shout nigger.

If him or Erock is reading this, fuck you. You’re a fucking prancing faggot homo just like daddy said.

For all his tough guy LARPing he is a molestation victim who plays with dolls, gets in fights with only women, gets a nervous tummy and can’t speak when two men argue, and shit talks other men behind their back rather than confront them.

To be honest, i’d love to see a nigger knock his fucking lights out. The best part would obviously be the crying and begging that comes before it. Only second to him going on twitter after to proclaim victory and shout nigger.

If him or Erock is reading this, fuck you. You’re a fucking prancing faggot homo just like daddy said.
Remember when an FN robbed his studio while he sat there giggling and hooting? Or when he allowed a dying drug addict to hijack his show and ooze infected blood and pus all over everything? Nana isn't just a pussy, he's a pussy's pussy.


Everyone’s alt
Remember when an FN robbed his studio while he sat there giggling and hooting? Or when he allowed a dying drug addict to hijack his show and ooze infected blood and pus all over everything? Nana isn't just a pussy, he's a pussy's pussy.
I’m pretty well versed in #countfacts but I didn’t know about an N robbing him lol.

Reminder, opie went to confront his better half Gavin and they just put their tail down. I bet the opester was still wearing his rollerblades too.
I’m pretty well versed in #countfacts but I didn’t know about an N robbing him lol.

Reminder, opie went to confront his better half Gavin and they just put their tail down. I bet the opester was still wearing his rollerblades too.
Or, aside from the Times Square incident, his single biggest pussy moment...when Ron Bennington eviscerated him while he sat there anxiously giggling and repeating himself like a stammering retard, with that unbelievably gay look on his booze-sodden face.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I’m pretty well versed in #countfacts but I didn’t know about an N robbing him lol.

Reminder, opie went to confront his better half Gavin and they just put their tail down. I bet the opester was still wearing his rollerblades too.
They watched a video on TACS of Bill Schultz stealing boxes full of shit from the studio closet. I think most of it was cereal. Top 5 pussy Ant moment was padlocking his beer fridge instead of telling the LOS guys not to drink his beer or just buying them cheap beer.

Sue Lightning

They watched a video on TACS of Bill Schultz stealing boxes full of shit from the studio closet. I think most of it was cereal. Top 5 pussy Ant moment was padlocking his beer fridge instead of telling the LOS guys not to drink his beer or just buying them cheap beer.
If LOS steal beer you put a padlock on the fridge.

If Opie steals beer you shittalk him behind his back for 20 years.

Never would he do the right thing which is confront them and ask them to stop.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
If LOS steal beer you put a padlock on the fridge.

If Opie steals beer you shittalk him behind his back for 20 years.

Never would he do the right thing which is confront them and ask them to stop.
I don’t recall all the details because it was so long ago but it was when they were doing shows in the basement. I think he was home when they were broadcasting anyways. I think he just decided they were drinking way too much of his beer. “Do me a favor and just drink the draft beer.”
I don’t recall all the details because it was so long ago but it was when they were doing shows in the basement. I think he was home when they were broadcasting anyways. I think he just decided they were drinking way too much of his beer. “Do me a favor and just drink the draft beer.”
LOL his beer. The guy was blowing thousands of dollars on blackjack and toy dinosaurs, but he couldn't deal with his parasitic pals drinking his cheap lite beer. Another reason why Nana doesn't have a friend in the world.

Sue Lightning

The next time you listen to an old O&A clip that involves some amount of arguing, listen for Anthonys telling silence. You can almost hear his stomach twisting and turning. He doesn’t pipe up except to go “Ohh geeez” or a sigh through clenched teeth or some other tittering uncomfortable gesture. It’s truly disturbing. The man who goes on screaming rants at others and threatens physical violence at every turn can’t handle a fucking argument.

I’ve gone over this in detail before but the original “you got lost” clip is my favorite. Ron just trying to give a friend the sobering truth and Nana just has his lips puckered going “Oh really? Huh! Thats interesting! Hmmmm. Yeah, yeah I think so!” all while tapping his fucking fingers and nervously fidgeting in his seat. A man who can’t even handle an ounce of self critique

But sure. This is the guy who said “BACK OFF THIS AINT YOUR SHOW” to 5 black guys menacing him.

Sue Lightning

Lest it be forgotten.

On the day of the grape argument that petulant swarthy nigger had a fit because Opie made a face at him. Ignore Anthonys shit talking him for 5 years at this point, the face was the problem.

And what did the stoic, calm and collected, Greggster do? Let Anthony dig his own grave. Leave it alone. Leave it alone. Leave it alone. And when Anthony didn’t? Ok, fine. People here think you’re a fucking drunk irresponsible slob who couldn’t give a fuck about his job.

And what did Anthony do? Haha holeee shit his way out? Do a wacky impression? Oh no, he tried DEFLECTING because his stupid tiny jig brain shut down at what the 1% of white in him knew was wrong: He WAS a drunk fucking slob blowing off his WORK and FUCKING OVER THE OTHER PEOPLE WHO WORK WITH HIM. “OH WOW I DIDNT COME IN. Yeah they started harping on me about that - Well I guess showing up to work is your strong suite! We all have weaknesses!”

And how does any man handle an argument like this? If it’s a good friend usually you just start talking again like nothing happened. If it’s more casual you may mutually apologize and verbally say we gotta put that shit behind us. But of course, Anthony isn’t a man. He proceeded to print out his partner and friends face on pillows to punch in public.

Sue Lightning

while I agree... when did you become such a 'tough guy'?
I’m not a tough guy. Anyone on this forums could beat my ass. But thats irrelevant because Cumia could be killed by a gust of wind. He’s an old fuckin man recovering from heart conditions. I’m not the strongest guy but on youth i win, and if god forbid he put me in a self defense situation i would break his fucking face in.

Sue Lightning

Cumia was fired for tweeting racial slurs over a situation he directly provoked. He called none of his bosses to confront them. When getting a call from the real man, Opie, he didn’t confront him either. Just cowardly wished him well. And did so publicly for the next year. It wasn’t until Opie hit him personally by saying no one fawwwkin needed him (true) that he finally had the courage to shit talk his superior. Pussy.


Everyone’s alt
The next time you listen to an old O&A clip that involves some amount of arguing, listen for Anthonys telling silence. You can almost hear his stomach twisting and turning. He doesn’t pipe up except to go “Ohh geeez” or a sigh through clenched teeth or some other tittering uncomfortable gesture. It’s truly disturbing. The man who goes on screaming rants at others and threatens physical violence at every turn can’t handle a fucking argument.

I’ve gone over this in detail before but the original “you got lost” clip is my favorite. Ron just trying to give a friend the sobering truth and Nana just has his lips puckered going “Oh really? Huh! Thats interesting! Hmmmm. Yeah, yeah I think so!” all while tapping his fucking fingers and nervously fidgeting in his seat. A man who can’t even handle an ounce of self critique

But sure. This is the guy who said “BACK OFF THIS AINT YOUR SHOW” to 5 black guys menacing him.
You’re in a spiritual malaise. :klxffi4: