Wife Murderer cancels shows in Florida due to not requiring the vaccine


Powdered Toast Man
I used to bash him back in the day (when he was still relatively obscure) for being a David Cross rip-off except without a shred of the edginess. For all of Cross’s jewy faggotry, it took a lot of balls to say the shit he was saying about Bush and the war in 2002 (in Shut up you fucking baby! I mean). No comic was saying that kind of shit that soon after 9/11 except maybe Doug Stanhope. Not even Carlin. Patton of course was not a ‘political’ comic back then at all, but now that it’s chic to be a ‘political comic’ he’s “come out” as it were, except being ‘political’ now means being pro-establishment.

So Patton has always played it safe, being either apolitical or pro-establishment, and even “Werewolves and Lollipops” contains nothing remotely edgy in it whatsoever (I was in the front row in Austin where he recorded that and was bored to tears). One decent line about “Jon Voight’s ballsack” to make a point about the Star Wars prequels that had already been made by other nerd fags a zillion times. Tell another space nerd joke, stupid. Blaine Capatch who opened for him (who was once the host of “Beat the Geeks” on Comedy Central) was much funnier.


Keyboard Warrior
Before he allegedly murdered his wife, I told the old subreddit that I never, not ever, not once, ever, did I find Patton Oswalt funny. I asked the gang to tell me what I was missing, and if they could even point me to a bit or a part of a routine he did I'd watch it.

Not one person could tell me a bit of his, and those who found him funny just told me that maybe he wasn't my thing.

Blaine Capatch who opened for him (who was once the host of “Beat the Geeks” on Comedy Central) was much funnier.
I saw Blaine in LA once and he was good.

I loved "Beat the Geeks." Capatch was only host for the second season, and when he first came on I didn't really care for him. I didn't know he was a comedian and he didn't make a lot of jokes.

On one episode, there was a question about a character from LA Law, and the contestant answered Camryn Manheim. Camryn Manheim was not the answer they were looking for, but the answer actually was correct for the question.

Blaine explained that to the audience, and then said something like, "Interesting fact: Camryn Manheim played the same character in both LA Law and The Practice: The Fat Chick."

I was not prepared at all for that, and this nigga's ribs were *hurting*.
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Powdered Toast Man
Before he allegedly murdered his wife, I told the old subreddit that I never, not ever, not once, ever, did I find Patton Oswalt funny. I asked the gang to tell me what I was missing, and if they could even point me to a bit or a part of a routine he did I'd watch it.

Not one person could tell me a bit of his, and those who found him funny just told me that maybe he wasn't my thing.

I saw Blaine in LA once and he was good.

I loved "Beat the Geeks." Capatch was only host for the second season, and when he first came on I didn't really care for him. I didn't know he was a comedian and he didn't make a lot of jokes.

On one episode, there was a question about a character from LA Law, and the contestant answered Camryn Manheim. Camryn Manheim was not the answer they were looking for, but the answer actually was correct for the question.

Blaine explained that to the audience, and then said something like, "Interesting fact: Camryn Manheim played the same character in both LA Law and The Practice: The Fat Chick."

I was not prepared at all for that, and this nigga's ribs were *hurting*.
Camryn Manheim was sort of a hack reference back then but Blaine’s manic delivery probably would’ve made me chuckle anyway. Nowadays I probably would bust a rib hearing that since any fat joke at all is a welcome surprise.

I loved Beat the Geeks and Blaine as host before (((they))) cancelled it. I actually met him backstage after “Werewolves” and that was the first thing I told him. He looked compelled to “look embarrassed” at hearing that part of his "past" brought up. I couldn’t tell whether it was a bit or not which is the sign of a good comedian. He genuinely seemed like a good dude as opposed to Patton who I could immediately tell was a cunt when I met him.