Who is more debilitatingly retarded?

Who's the less functional?

  • Snax

  • Rix

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Stand Alone Fruit
It’s tough to say, while Jackie is obviously suffering from some severe combination of schizophrenia and paranoia - Pat has some form of mental illness that is so severe doctors will have to name his condition after him.

Just think - we’ve seen what they post on social media for the world to see - what about what we DONT see - like how the interact with significant other, family members, people in public etc.


It’s tough to say, while Jackie is obviously suffering from some severe combination of schizophrenia and paranoia - Pat has some form of mental illness that is so severe doctors will have to name his condition after him.

Just think - we’ve seen what they post on social media for the world to see - what about what we DONT see - like how the interact with significant other, family members, people in public etc.
This is a good point - reminder that Pat sperged out at the Dominos guy so much that even he said that Niki calls them back to explain the situation.


With gusto and style, micropenis.
It’s tough to say, while Jackie is obviously suffering from some severe combination of schizophrenia and paranoia - Pat has some form of mental illness that is so severe doctors will have to name his condition after him.

Just think - we’ve seen what they post on social media for the world to see - what about what we DONT see - like how the interact with significant other, family members, people in public etc.

Lol he told that story with pride. Like his followers would find it charming how he abused some poor teenager answering the phone.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Rick is just such a belligerent, angry, and pig-headed person that I think he takes the cake.

Think about: when have you ever seen him truly happy? He prides himself on being “always right” (retard take) to the point that it’s a burden (i.e., he suffers from the anger it causes him).

Rick is able-bodied. He could easily work at a bar or something, even a local book shop. But he’s fucking lazy and self-obsessed. He wouldn’t make it more than 2 days without childing / snapping / being a dickhead to a customer. It’s a mental illness of his.

Jackie is a delusional Indian broad who at least managed to hold down a job for a little (I think), and didn’t go on record threatening to murder her unborn kid.


Fat bitch with faggot tits
It's a real tough one and they are both constantly jockeying for biggest retard but I think Jax is ultimately dumber, crazier and even more of a malignant piece of shit. There's not a whole lot in it, but she is an absolute slow witted dullard. You can tell within seconds of her speaking that some cognitive problems are at play. They both fill up their speech with clunky phrasing and odd word choices to try and maximize how smart they sound, but Patrick can at least comminucate for a lot longer before you truly realize what a dumb dumb he is.
It's hard to say who is more delusional. Jax is fucking weird. Sometimes she is obviously just trying to be calculating when she does weird things, but other times shes probably not a million miles away from a serious psychotic break, whereas Patrick's delusions seem like they are probably more consistently real to him but they are at least grounded in some kind of possible reality. He is just stupid and ignorant and won't allow himself to think too deeply on outcomes that don't directly benefit him so he just attaches himself to whichever outcome has him emerging as the winner regardless of how likely it is.
They are both fascinatingly stupid in their own special ways.
If Pig were a former GNAA member he'd probably still be calling people niggers left and right, not understanding why nobody else (but us) was laughing. Jax's high school transcripts would be funny to see: failed health class because of the smell, but high marks in P.E. because she could palm basketballs.
The Kiwi Farmers discovered she dropped out of high school and got her GED in the military. She was only in the military a short time (and lied about her time and experiences there like Brother Slow) and was discharged for some reason. The Kiwis speculate it was either mental health issues or she got knocked up, or both.


With gusto and style, micropenis.
Where did he recount that story? That's incredible

I can't find his tweet about it but it was after someone called the local Dominos and talked to the staff. This thread here:

Also, this was one of my favorite tweets threads of his, his followers called him out on how pizza deliveries work and he lost his fucking mind. If you read his tweets in the same voice he used on the MPD during his spergout this becomes very funny. He argued with his own followers for hours, with Dominos and Pizza Hut still tagged. Dominos eventually replied to him asking for a DM and he told them to fuck off lol

I can't find his tweet about it but it was after someone called the local Dominos and talked to the staff. This thread here:

Also, this was one of my favorite tweets threads of his, his followers called him out on how pizza deliveries work and he lost his fucking mind. If you read his tweets in the same voice he used on the MPD during his spergout this becomes very funny. He argued with his own followers for hours, with Dominos and Pizza Hut still tagged. Dominos eventually replied to him asking for a DM and he told them to fuck off lol

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Funny how those pizza deliveries randomly stopped one day huh