Welp, Dan Mullen has been linked to a discord based pedophile grooming cult

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
Yeah? Can ya?
How hard could it be?

You know what DOOOOD you take the uterus you take the ovaries you take the labia and clitoris BOOM she's sterile!


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Didn’t Dan record himself in a restaurant in Vegas denying that he was a pedo when literally no one was accusing him of that?

Now that odd behavior doesn’t seem so odd anymore.

I wonder if Flavia is in on the scheme.

That's so Joe Cumia, I think even he'd cringe.

Joe Cumia is Anthony's brother Dan. That's a reference to Opie and Amferny.


Fat bitch with faggot tits
Definitely fucking would
That attitude has literally been the death of so many men. She's not nearly attractive enough for how crazy she is. The ratio isnt worth the risk. As BPD crazies go, she's only slightly above average in terms of looks, but clearly way up the rankings in terms of danger.
Its a chilling feeling when you truly realize that the woman you're seeing might actually be dangerously mentally ill and things can get exponentially worse from that point on based on how good looking they are.
Especially when you have to consider, among other things, if her sheer insanity was the deciding factor in her even being attracted to you in the first place.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
That attitude has literally been the death of so many men. She's not nearly attractive enough for how crazy she is. The ratio isnt worth the risk. As BPD crazies go, she's only slightly above average in terms of looks, but clearly way up the rankings in terms of danger.
Its a chilling feeling when you truly realize that the woman you're seeing might actually be dangerously mentally ill and things can get exponentially worse from that point on based on how good looking they are.
Especially when you have to consider, among other things, if her sheer insanity was the deciding factor in her even being attracted to you in the first place.
I'm saying pump and dump


That attitude has literally been the death of so many men. She's not nearly attractive enough for how crazy she is. The ratio isnt worth the risk. As BPD crazies go, she's only slightly above average in terms of looks, but clearly way up the rankings in terms of danger.
Its a chilling feeling when you truly realize that the woman you're seeing might actually be dangerously mentally ill and things can get exponentially worse from that point on based on how good looking they are.
Especially when you have to consider, among other things, if her sheer insanity was the deciding factor in her even being attracted to you in the first place.

That’s a lot of words just to say that you’re gay.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
That attitude has literally been the death of so many men. She's not nearly attractive enough for how crazy she is. The ratio isnt worth the risk. As BPD crazies go, she's only slightly above average in terms of looks, but clearly way up the rankings in terms of danger.
Its a chilling feeling when you truly realize that the woman you're seeing might actually be dangerously mentally ill and things can get exponentially worse from that point on based on how good looking they are.
Especially when you have to consider, among other things, if her sheer insanity was the deciding factor in her even being attracted to you in the first place.
Counterpoint: a girl like that will allow (and deserve) abuse. Yes she’s crazy but you can smash her in the face and no one will care. You can treat her like an animal and no one will care. Girls like that are born to be abused and treated like shit.