Virtuous pedophile Eric Hildeman removes then relists his book due to Reddit trolls posting his sister's vagina

Eric J Hildeman ran for the Wisconsin state assembly and was disqualified.

This is almost a borderline impossibility, considering the way to get on the ballot for this election is to have collected 200-400 signatures.

He could not find 200 people who would sign a piece of paper simply allowing him on the ballot.
Every house he knocked on assumed he was the local child predator being made to go door to door to let everyone know he moved into the neighborhood and told him to fuck off.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
He'll never know. Tee hee!


Image borrowed from r/theHildyhole
Looks like her mangy cunt is making an oof face.

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
Hildy took it down again this morning, just reposted. Big brain genius keeps repeating the same failing action over and over and expecting a different result. But he said it was all water off his back and didn't bother him!
