Tomlinson Enterprises, LLC, speculated to be Pat, is now delinquent in its taxes

Tomlinson Enterprises, LLC was found a while back using this site:

It was registered in 2022 using a registered agent, which conceals the business owner and address. People have speculated that Niki and Pat registered this business for the other half of the hovel, originally thinking this was for being a landlord, but the Airbnb revelation would fit this as well. Note that Pat's previous business was called GT Enterprises. "Enterprises" is not uncommon for small businesses, but we're in the business of mocking Pat here, so I will state confidently that this "Tomlinson Enterprises, LLC" is Pat. Here's another piece of evidence:


As of April 1, 2024, Tomlinson Enterprises is delinquent.


Reminder that Niki's business, Robinson Writers, LLC, was found by eagle-eyed readers to be delinquent. Almost immediately after this info was mentioned, Niki ponied up and paid her taxes. Let's see if Pat does the same here.


Those Tomlinsons just don't like taxes! Deadbeat Pat.

Barney Gumble

I'd still love to know exactly what the fuck it is Niki does. I'd like to see her actually working. I'm pretty sure 99% of what she does is bullshitting people into thinking she can help their business somehow by writing fake articles or comments. There's no fucking way she's ever actually helped a company sell more product or get more followers.


My huge-cocked pal stole my wife and PUPPIES!
I'd still love to know exactly what the fuck it is Niki does. I'd like to see her actually working. I'm pretty sure 99% of what she does is bullshitting people into thinking she can help their business somehow by writing fake articles or comments. There's no fucking way she's ever actually helped a company sell more product or get more followers.
She ghosts posts, child. Run along now.
I'd still love to know exactly what the fuck it is Niki does. I'd like to see her actually working. I'm pretty sure 99% of what she does is bullshitting people into thinking she can help their business somehow by writing fake articles or comments. There's no fucking way she's ever actually helped a company sell more product or get more followers.
she launders money for her mother allegedly, according to reddit.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Tomlinson Enterprises, LLC was found a while back using this site:

It was registered in 2022 using a registered agent, which conceals the business owner and address. People have speculated that Niki and Pat registered this business for the other half of the hovel, originally thinking this was for being a landlord, but the Airbnb revelation would fit this as well. Note that Pat's previous business was called GT Enterprises. "Enterprises" is not uncommon for small businesses, but we're in the business of mocking Pat here, so I will state confidently that this "Tomlinson Enterprises, LLC" is Pat. Here's another piece of evidence:


As of April 1, 2024, Tomlinson Enterprises is delinquent.


Reminder that Niki's business, Robinson Writers, LLC, was found by eagle-eyed readers to be delinquent. Almost immediately after this info was mentioned, Niki ponied up and paid her taxes. Let's see if Pat does the same here.


Those Tomlinsons just don't like taxes! Deadbeat Pat.
I'm so sorry Patrick