Throwback: Just Had Milwaukee Health Department Shut Down Rick's Hotsauce Operation. That's Unexpectedly Satisfying.

Big Ass Dick Holder #1488

They are pure evil....
oopsie doodles
illegal hotsauce.jpg


Give Me Some Money
Hmm, wonder where he got that idea...
Same date and link to DATCP.
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Single Action Army

We ain't goon hooligans we Maloonigans
Hmm, wonder where he got that idea...

Let's shut down his Hazbin Hotel next


Hmm, wonder where he got that idea...
Same date and link to DATCP.
Well, you did ask someone to reach out to them. (y)
He really has a knack for phrasing things in the most annoying way possible. Why would he not expect to be satisfied by a customer buying more of a product he sold? Is that something typically seen as unsatisfying? I can't tell if that's some odd attempt at sounding humble, or if he's just dumb and meant to say "Unexpected and satisfying".


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I love that some concerned citizens called the health officials but this story is a lie. Any restaurant owner knows not to serve homemade shit to a customer. Pat could have poisoned that hot sauce for all he knew. They either lied to him and said yeah the people loved it or he's making it all up. My guess is the former

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Hmm, wonder where he got that idea...
Same date and link to DATCP.
Real heroes take action


Stand Alone Fruit
No shit, it's illegal as fuck to sell food that was made in a kitchen with no/expired health inspection. And the presents of any pets or animals is an immediate rejection. He's obviously lying but it's amazing that he thought anyone would believe this.
I’ve seen N persons try to sell food they make at home on FB like they’re a restaurant.


Stand Alone Fruit
Would be funny if that was the reason why he's banned from Hoolies.

No dated proof of you having a drink in Hooligans means you were definitely banned, btw, Pat.
I bet it was this, him posting a customers CC / ID online that they gave him (that’s a HUGE no-no, you could lose your ability to have people use credit cards in your establishment if you’re giving out customer private info) and being an all around pain in the ass is why they finally said LEAVE AND NEVER RETURN!