These Two Suck Each Others Cocks

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile


Have any of you actually looked into Fuentes? His fed/homo/cult leader life makes Ant's look quiet

He’s a faaaaaaaaag

Got caught with tranny porn on his phone, then gay porn, (the mossad planted it!!), and likely sucked off catboykami, a gay pedophile.

And somehow managed to convince probably 100k+ zoomers that premarital sex with whores is gay so they can cope with being irl incels that spend all day spamming twitch chat with pepes and groypers.
Probably a mass humiliation ritual for white men, idk.



Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
You dudes talk like burr is some burly stud with women knocking down the doors to get him. he’s a freckled scrawny bald ginger with jungle fever. Nia may have realistically be his ceiling
Fair, but. There were no frizzy-haired jewlatters anywhere in any of the production companies or clubs in hollyweird? He might as well have picked Nia out of a gorilla cage from a roadside zoo.