The Count is in the Air

You’re in a fucking CRJ-900. It’s a delta connection plane that has like 70 seats and no TVs. I love how he still tries to portray this image of being a white man who just wants to enjoy first class. Also, from a quick Google, there’s no way that’s first class. He has zero room for his knobby bird legs.

Side note: I’ll tolerate no Biscoff cookie slander. They’re fucking delicious.
You’re in a fucking CRJ-900. It’s a delta connection plane that has like 70 seats and no TVs. I love how he still tries to portray this image of being a white man who just wants to enjoy first class. Also, from a quick Google, there’s no way that’s first class. He has zero room for his knobby bird legs.

Side note: I’ll tolerate no Biscoff cookie slander. They’re fucking delicious.
The guy wears the same pants for months at a time, then he gets on an airplane and suddenly he's Sir Peter O'Toole or something. "Madame, I shan't consider this to be an appropriate first class meal for a gentleman of my stature. Be a dear, and fetch me a martini, dry, please". Meanwhile, when he's home, he spits on the floor.
Nana is Karening out on the internet because his free cookies weren’t up to his high standards. Nice legacy, stupid.
"My dear? If it's not too much of a bother, would you kindly fetch me a proper tea biscuit? I wouldn't deign to serve this cookie to my foxhounds."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cumia, sir, that's all we have available today."

"My stars, what HAS become of true luxury in our once-proud kingdom? Very well, just a hot face towel and slippers for me, and the finance section of the London Times, of course. May I light my pipe now?"

"Of course,'re in first class."

"Yes, quite."

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
The guy wears the same pants for months at a time, then he gets on an airplane and suddenly he's Sir Peter O'Toole or something. "Madame, I shan't consider this to be an appropriate first class meal for a gentleman of my stature. Be a dear, and fetch me a martini, dry, please". Meanwhile, when he's home, he spits on the floor.
It was cracking me up seeing him in those jeans with a huge hole in the knee. He thought he looked youthful and hip.


Don't thank the felon, Keith
This is also the same pedophile faggot that will do his "HAHAHA HOLEE SHITTT THE MIRACLE OF FLIGHT!" joke for the millionth time to make some boomer caller chuckle.

Also what could be so important that he's got to be in NYC? Is he supervising the studio shutdown?


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
*Flight attendant walks by*

"Pardon me, Madame, but might I trouble you for a vulnerable adolescent to snack on? Rare or medium rare, not well done, if you catch my meaning!"



Don't thank the felon, Keith
*Flight attendant walks by*

"Pardon me, Madame, but might I trouble you for a vulnerable adolescent to snack on? Rare or medium rare, not well done, if you catch my meaning!"

