The Compound is Sold!

That’s over $400k LESS than what he paid 14 years ago, $2,925,000


and he paid that BEFORE adding the pool, the podcast studio, the bar, wine cellar, karaoke, movie theater, generator and who knows what else.

and then he got a 2nd mortgage a few years ago from some shady Arab.

I think it’s reasonable to say he may have lost a million dollars on this deal
Say what you will about Anthony Cumia, but he's a savvy business man. He just timed the market wrong this time

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Rube: "You know, this place is just what we are looking for, i mean the decor is tacky and quite frankly guineaesque, but nothing a bit of tlc can't fix, i can see myself raising my children here."

Realtor: " Excellent! i'm glad you like the place, however.. i am obliged to inform you that this residence is built on an old indian burial ground, and was the site of 2 notorious murders, also.. i have to inform you that the previous owner was a suspected child sex offender who was alleged to have thrown poz parties at this very residence."

Rube: " I see, well that is quite offputting, however... nowhere is the perfect home, and the past is the past, i can overlook all that."

Realtor: " Oh, also.. Compound Media shows were shot here."

Rube: " Y'know what, on second thought, i'm not interested"


Rube: "You know, this place is just what we are looking for, i mean the decor is tacky and quite frankly guineaesque, but nothing a bit of tlc can't fix, i can see myself raising my children here."

Realtor: " Excellent! i'm glad you like the place, however.. i am obliged to inform you that this residence is built on an old indian burial ground, and was the site of 2 notorious murders, also.. i have to inform you that the previous owner was a suspected child sex offender who was alleged to have thrown poz parties at this very residence."

Rube: " I see, well that is quite offputting, however... nowhere is the perfect home, and the past is the past, i can overlook all that."

Realtor: " Oh, also.. Compound Media shows were shot here."

Rube: " Y'know what, on second thought, i'm not interested"
"What in the actual fuck is Compound Media?"