Teflon Dan DECLARES WAR?!😱 (Youtube Shorts)


With gusto and style, micropenis.
What about the second shooter here eyeing the baby 'Tan?


Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
The Opster sounded so butthurt when he was corrected on that lol. Was it Dr. Steve or that cunt nurse who thought she was a doctor?
It was a caller and Ant.

He didn't sound mad either, he said something along the lines of: "it was written as Korsa cough syndrome", because the dummy phone screener misunderstood it first. Nice try wit da hate tho.

Sue Lightning

Does Pat realize that If Dan loses his job it will still be really really funny to everyone?
Said it before, sunk cost fallacy. He will ignore every other L if it means he gets the most minor W in getting Dan fired. Even though this would certainly spell more L’s for him as Dan would 100% commit to fucking Patricks life up at that point.