Subsaharan IQ Jackie thinks me and SpaceEdge are the same person


Real Huffington Post Reporter
Haha she changed it. Hi Jackie! When are you going to apologize to innocent victim Petter Janse, you fat fucking scumbag?


SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
I love the though of this monstrous woman "researching" for hours only to find out that everyone is professionally accomplished, have homes, happily married, involved in the lives of their children

I hope she wastes many more years of her life on this "case"


Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
I love the though of this monstrous woman "researching" for hours only to find out that everyone is professionally accomplished, have homes, happily married, involved in the lives of their children

I hope she wastes many more years of her life on this "case"

Tbh I’m glad she doesn’t have any real contacts or power. Most of the heinous shit in my past is sealed because I was a juvenile. But there’s some stuff in there that she would 100% harp on during her pathetic power point presentations.


Real Huffington Post Reporter
I love the though of this monstrous woman "researching" for hours only to find out that everyone is professionally accomplished, have homes, happily married, involved in the lives of their children

I hope she wastes many more years of her life on this "case"

Jackie Singh has a jealous hatred of people who aren't monumental fuckups like her, and spends her time as an unemployed slob trying to ruin peoples' lives with false accusations of criminal behavior. "If John Gibney, Petter Janse are actually innocent, it's not a big deal because at least I'm ruining someone's life who is responsible and makes better decisions than me."



Lady Detective

Sometimes you really wish they didn't smell like they did. Aside from the whole smell thing and Java I want to like them. If their stupidity and rapiness didn't have real world consequences they'd be so innocent. The British just needed another eon or so to teach them.

I like how even the movies and shows have these shitty walls with shit stains on them.
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